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ICYMI: February 10 – February 16 on the Skepchick Network

It’s a very exciting day inside this week’s ICYMI post. If you’ll notice, we have a new edition to the Skepchick family. It’s, blog-casting from Norway straight into your computer! Go show them some love, won’t you?

Teen Skepchick

What is Glass?
Is glass a liquid or a solid? Or something else entirely?

Genetically Modified Salmon: Food or “Frakenfish?”
Vy addresses some concerns about genetically modified salmon.

In Defense of Religious Studies: A Response to PZ Myers
Olivia argues that there is value to studying religion.

Mad Art Lab

Slave Leo
Ryan gender-bends the Slave Leia costume…with amazing results.

The Perot Museum: An Oasis of Science
Check out this scientifically accurate science museum in the heart of Texas.

Kitchen Lab, Valentine’s Day Edition: Get Spicy (and Boozy)!
Beth makes cupcakes with beer to make your Valentine’s Day special.


Escéptica is Looking for Writers! (en español)
We’re looking for writers and translators. Get all the details in the post.

Of Love and Other Obsessions (en español)
What is the nerdiest way you’ve ever expressed your love for someone or something?

In the Romance of Science (en español)
There have been great romances in science and of science.


AI: Carnaval
Is there an aspect of your culture that makes you angry or ashamed?

Darwin Gets His Own Day
It’s never too late to celebrate Charles Darwin.

AI: Darwin Day and Evolution Education
When you were growing up, did you learn about evolution?

I’m Going to Live in St. Petersburg for 2 Months (på norsk)
Ingvild talks about the secret and cryptic breast cancer awareness status updates on Facebook, and why they’re dumb and unhelpful and hurt people.

Featured image credit: ultimcodex


Mindy is an attorney and Managing Editor of Teen Skepchick. She hates the law and loves stars. You can follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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One Comment

  1. GM salmon can’t be “Frakenfish”, because that title was already taken by the snakehead! :)

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