Quickies: Vaccines, Bananas, and Impostor Syndrome
Happy end of semester to MEEEE! 14+ months of pandemic teaching is finally behind me and I get a BREAK finally. (Where Break = time to do research and other things I had to set aside because I have a 3-3 teaching load but you already knew that.) Here are a few good reads that have come across my feed…
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Study: Fundies Use “Science” to Try to Ban Porn
This post contains a video, which you can also view here. To support more videos like this, head to! I’m not sure what’s up with me lately but I feel like I’ve done a dozen “update” videos in the past few months. It wasn’t a conscious decision, it’s just that I keep seeing news stories that related back to…
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Much Belated Quickies…
I am all kinds of behind on all the things. That time of the semester, right? Here’s a quick list of what’s come across my feed these few weeks that I’d like to share: Here’s a place where you can support folks in Brooklyn Center, Michigan, as they fight for justice for Duane WrightWe know there will be a cost…
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Quickies: Can you process an insurrection and still make time for science?
Welcome to another rushed Friday Quickies! Two virtual conferences at the same time seemed like such a great idea to past-Nicole… present-Nicole is TIRED. I’m still processing last week’s insurrection at the Capitol even as I fear future attacks. One way to do so is to learn about insurrections that we’ve had before in the U.S. at Sam Sanders’s NPR…
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Quickies: Astrophysical broccoli, science vids from Dragon Con, and Cute Animal Friday
I honestly don’t have a lot this week to share… because I’m coping with waves hands all this by still basking in the glow of the awesomeness that was Virtual DragonCon, particularly the programming from the Science Track, which you can now watch on their YouTube channel! 3.2 billion pixel camera for astrophysics tested on… broccoli? Specifically Romanesco broccoli for…
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Quickies Goes to (Virtual) DragonCon!
Normally I’d be passing off the Quickies today as I would be in Atlanta, Georgia, for the annual DragonCon, a fan-run 80,000+ person mega-geek event. However… 2020 is doing its 2020 thing, and jamming tens of thousands of sweaty people together in five hotels is just not a good idea. So, DragonCon has gone virtual! In the FIRST episode of…
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Personal Tolls of the Return to In-Person Teaching
I’ve been away from The Chicks for several weeks because I’ve been working on my promotion package. There are lots of people going through some seriously heavy shit right now. I’m more fortunate than most, but I’m not sure I’ll ever forget this summer. Getting ready for faculty promotion is already a high stress gambit. But, I did it in…
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Friday Quickies: Racism in science, COVID in the US, Pride fitness, and Cute Animal Friday
Happy weekend, all. This’ll be the first Friday Quickies in a while without a theme. My brain is set to random… Systemic racism is a huge issue in science. So, here’s what Black scientists want from colleagues and their institutions. U.S. sets daily record for new COVID-19 cases, so, “Mission Accomplished,” right? As a resident of one of the few…
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