Quickies: Astrophysical broccoli, science vids from Dragon Con, and Cute Animal Friday
I honestly don’t have a lot this week to share… because I’m coping with waves hands all this by still basking in the glow of the awesomeness that was Virtual DragonCon, particularly the programming from the Science Track, which you can now watch on their YouTube channel!
- 3.2 billion pixel camera for astrophysics tested on… broccoli? Specifically Romanesco broccoli for its super cool fractals. The huge camera will be a part of the Rubin Observatory, formerly known as LSST, which will open up the sky with an incredibly deep sky survey that will also pick up “things that go BOOM.”
- “Facebook Announces New Campus Pages To Connect College Students Amid Coronavirus” and my “Class of 2005” brain can literally NOT handle the ridiculousness of this headline.
Your cute animal Friday submissions, via Muscadine on the Skepchick Discord:
- There’s an entire tumblr of Sassy Bunnies
- Fuzzy blue bees!
- I love baby animals cams… here’s a panda cub!
- I wish I had the energy of this cloned baby horse
In addition to joining the Discord using the link I finally fixed, you can reach us through our Contact Form, which I just tested, and it’s also working!
Cute little guy.