Anything big happen this week? I’m kidding… I was as delighted about the impeachment vote as anyone here. But, I’d like to start off my weekend with an all science quickies.
- Twin astronomer examines twin stars – Interestingly, he’s a fraternal twin, but he discovered that stars born together are chemically identical.
- Astronomers use MeerKAT, a radio telescope array in South Africa, to produce this amazing image showing the light of THOUSANDS of distant galaxies powered by supermassive black holes.
- Red giant star Betelgeuse seems to be dimming more than usual. An imminent supernova is highly unlikely, and its variability has been seen by humans for centuries, but it’ll still be cool to go take a look as one of the most familiar constellations looks a bit different right now.
- Remember Miss Virginia, who won a beauty pageant after doing a chemistry demonstration as her talent? She’s now Miss America.
And now here are ALL the animals for this week, cute and otherwise, thanks to Muscadine!
- Thousands of “penis fish” wash up on California shore. My favorite part… “There were seagulls lined up the beach the whole way having eaten so much they could barely stand.”
- When is a bird a birb? You know it’s definitive because it’s from the Audubon Society.
- Man creates a “stick library” for doggies whose park just didn’t have enough toys.
- Puppers photographed in mid-air!
- I don’t even…. donkeys singing along to violins? Okay. That is hilarious.
Have a story or cute animal to share? Join the conversation on Discord or reach us via our Contact Form.