
Global Quickies: 09/11/13

Atheist Ireland asked the Convention on the Constitution to repeal the nation’s blasphemy law. They argue that, even if Ireland does not prosecute under this law, it serves as an excuse and even an example for countries who do.

The (scarily shady) mayor of the tiny town of Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacan had 14 kids arrested for trick or treating on Day of the Dead because he doesn’t approve of the holiday.

JAPAN (From Greg)
The country may not be as safe for women as it seems.

EGYPT (via Ramzi)
With the ‘We Will Ride Bicycles’ campaign, activists are trying to break the stigma in Egyptian society against women riding bicycles, which is seen as inappropriate and “unladylike.”

Cinemas are including a Bechdel test rating in movies to draw attention to how few movies have at least two female characters with names, who talk to each other about something other than a man.

Prime minister Erdogan, who has been trying to “raise a more pious generation” of Turks, said he would intervene to stop male and female university students from living together in dorms or private houses.

INDIA (via Maria)
Jewelry ad about a wedding stirs up things as it shows that it’s a second marriage for both bride and groom and the bride has a “dusky” complexion (which is unusual in Indian media).

AUSTRALIA (From Jack99)
A group of parents have launched an online petition to end gender-specific marketing of toys.

The president has vowed to free Jabbeur Mejri, an atheist jailed last year for posting a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed on his Facebook page, as soon as the political tensions calm down.

Featured image from the October “We Will Ride Bicycles” event in Egypt.


Born and raised in Mexico City, Daniela has finally decided to abdicate her post as an armchair skeptic and start doing some skeptical activism. She is currently living in Spain after having lived in the US, Brazil and Italy. You can also find her blogging in Spanish at

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  1. I would like to donate towards the relief effort in the Philippines, but through an atheist organization so that there will be some record of aid coming from atheists. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

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