Afternoon InquisitionRandom Asides

Afternoon Inquisition 5.28

I apologize, but I’m really pressed for time today, and I know the Chicks are all busy as well, so I couldn’t bring myself to ask one of them to take today’s Afternoon Inquisition for me.

So in lieu of a more thoughtful, sciency Inquisition, and in the interest of keeping things light and fluffy, I’m simply going to list my thoughts the instant they pop into my head, and hope you’ll play along:

  1. I like Pop Tarts as a snack.
  2. Dude, why do so many people say “Dude”?
  3. The day Vonnegut died was a sad day.
  4. I like junk food, but despise junk mail.
  5. Are there any living Flappers?
  6. Connie Go-Lightly on the torched skillet (????).
  7. Stupid people are prolific breeders.
  8. I either admire Al Gore or want to kick him in the nards.
  9. I got the Rear Speaker Blues.
  10. Many female news anchors are attractive.
  11. All the pot smokers I know lipton cutie monster fragrant bubble.
  12. Hold that tiger.
  13. I don’t own any purple clothing.

What random thought/non sequitur is bouncing around in your head right now? And now? How ’bout now? What about right now?  . . . Now? . . .

(Oh, and let the psycho-analysis begin.)

Sam Ogden

Sam Ogden is a writer, beach bum, and songwriter living in Houston, Texas, but he may be found scratching himself at many points across the globe. Follow him on Twitter @SamOgden

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  1. I love weed, hate almost every pothead I know.

    Diet Coke is awesome, I don’t give the slightest fuck about the number of calories and I hate all other sodas.

    Happy Hardcore started to suck around 1999, 2000

  2. The bitch hit me with a toaster

    I know all Republican’s aren’t morons but why are the morons the only ones that get air time?

    Why do I have two opened bottles of water on my desk?


    I’m not really going to die alone and miserable, am I?

    There has to be a better way to get the world to see just how awsome I am.

    Going to do improv tonight note to self be funny.

  3. Why is my internet connection so slow today? Why did some douchebag leave a note on my car about a bush that is not in my yard? How many loads of laundry do I still have left to do? Is the iPhone really all that and will I miss my crackberry? Yeah, that guy from Ice Road Truckers is sexy in a survivalist way.

  4. Have to check out that IT job at the college and get out of this corporate one.

    Also, go back to school.

    Mmmm, wife’s making chicken fingers tonight!

    She is sooooo cute! (The wife that is.)

    I’m going to be late getting home tonight.

  5. Why was I such an idiot this morning when I swiped that stupid trash can with my right side mirror? Stupid fucking mirror won’t go back on, stupid fucking mirror. *grumbles*

    That has been my thought since abut 6:30am.

    Also, now: “I got waaay too much food at Arby’s. Why do I do that? I never eat it all!”

    And mmmm root beer.

  6. Tree.
    Tree leaf.
    Tea leaf.
    Tea bag.
    New Orleans.
    Fighter planes.

  7. One potato, two potato, three potato, four . . .

    Save often.

    Damn it, I forgot the SWIM II file portion.

    The towels are kinda scratchy.

  8. Boobies, man I love boobies. Why am I always thinking about boobies. Ooh, she has such pert and cute little boobies. Wow she has huge boobies. I think I have a problem.

    This ice coffee is pretty tasty.

    oh my head hurts so bad. how did this migraine sneak up on me. Why don’t I keep imitrex in my desk at work.

    You tube is so cool. Just watched the TOS man trap at lucnh. Cool.


    Oil and gas accounting is tough

    head hurts so bad, think I’m gonna spew



    feeling lightheaded from pain


    hmm, if I rest my chin on my chest it lessens the pain I’m feeling

    no, that stoped working

    I love watching the boobies walk past my window

    I love women, just love them, fat or skinny, athletic or arty, short, tall, just as long as they aren’t dumb.

    love em, the smell, look, smile, just being around women is great


    headaches suck
    fucking migraine

  9. I wonder what that pain in my stomach is. Oh, never mind, it’s from eating too much for dinner just now. So why do I feel like drinking a big glass of soda? Oh, Boston Legal is on. Gotta go. Denny Crane.

  10. Oh, where to start? It sometimes seems like my entire thought process consists of one part of the brain spewing random rubbish while a second part of the brain frantically tries to pick out the relevant bits and a third part of the brain takes what’s left and figures out if it’s worth posting online.

    Something like this, overlayed (currently) with “Fascination” by Human League on an endless loop: origami paper airplane spacetime bubble watch out for that bus coffee filter prom dress that mockingbird sounds like a lovebird mouldy Stilton Mr Flibble Linux ice cream

  11. Crap, CostCo after work.
    Sick kid a home, hope its not swine flu crap.
    No golf till Saturday. Crap.
    Keep goat, shave goat, goat crap.

  12. Damn it, everyone said what I was thinking, now I’ve got nuthin’.

    Boobies… but only because Gabriel mentioned it… yeahhhhhh.

    Man I need to be working on my painting.

    Man I hope I can get the idea for my painting to work.

    Man I hope that if I make my idea work I don’t muck it up with lousy or mediocre execution.

    I’m glad spell check corrected mediocre for me

    Even if it is lousy or mediocre I’ll learn something and that’s good because art is a journey.

    You say that to all the mediocre painters don’t you.

    Yes I do.

  13. …and then I asked him with my eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.

  14. My grandmother was a flapper

    I miss my grandmother

    she told the best ghost story ever

    she was tiny

    Kitten is named after her

    I miss my grandmother

    My grandfather was pretty cool also

    Ok, now I feel sad….


  15. Yes, it is like twitter. crap.

    I have boobies.

    And no, the cold your kid has isn’t swine flu, altho my kid could have had swine flu since there was a confirmed case of it in my husband’s office, but he never got it.

    Now I have the image of Homer Simpson drooling say braaainnnnsss in my head.

    what the fuck?

  16. Why are people willing to kill over things that can’t be proven, but not over things that can? When was the last time someone blew someone up over whether it was a moose or a cat?

    Why do we debate if Al Gore was right about global warming, but never say he was right about Iraq?

    Do men really think about sx every 6-8 seconds? What counts as a thought about it?

    When do you need help, and not just crazy like everyone else?

    Why are business hours about 8a-5p? Why are they all the same, why not off set them, some 8-5, some 7-4, some 9-6?

    Why are you called skeptical if you doubt something, even if there’s a lot of evidence to the contrary, but skeptics are willing to accept something if there is a lot of evidence for it?

    What is the difference between a skeptic and a cynic?

    Why does Will Ferrel still have a carreer, every character is a carbon copy of the last?

    What ever happened to good comedies, where you actually have humor, as opposed to awkward situations?

    Why was Full House on the air for that long?

    Bob Saget, how did he pull off his stage personas? Really, who saw that coming?

    The children’s shows we watched growing up, would they be appropriate for children now?

    What if you’re grown up, and still don’t know what you want to be when you grow up?

    If you heard someone say whiskey tango foxtrot, would you know what they meant?

    Why do I say whiskey tango foxtrot, but not lima oscar lima?

    did the lima bean come from peru, or did the lima bean go to peru?

    Did we get the term grim from the grimm brothers, did they take the name because it sounded better than the smith brothers, or are they unrelated?

  17. @MiddleMan: I have somewhere around 2500 DVD’s so there’s always a movie quote floating around in there.

    “So that happened.”

    “They all have husbands and wives and children and houses and dogs, and, you know, they’ve all made themselves a part of something and they can talk about what they do. What am I gonna say? “I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. How’ve you been?”

    Must remember to smog my Jeep

    I think my cat is tasting me while I sleep.

    Is my addiction to NPR a sign that I’m getting old? Because I’ve been listening since high school.


  18. @infinitemonkey: I’ve seen Bob Saget live. He “yelled” at my date when my date got up to use the bathroom. It was rather hilarious. Bog Saget is hilarious. Also, very tall.

    Re: Children’s shows: I believe the 1st season DVD of Sesame Street comes with a warning saying it is not for children. LOL.

  19. Why did I stay in bed until 2 this afternoon?

    Remember to take student academic progress to financial aid so I don’t have to deal with this bullshit for the third time. My GPA is .02 away from letting me get back into the art program. Can’t they just accept me back in after I went back home to Riverton and graduated with my associate’s of art with a 3.0 GPA?

    Take application to library for a job. God fucking damn I need a job.

    I need to start a drawing this weekend. What should I draw?

  20. @infinitemonkey: You know, I’ve seen a human egg cell upclose when I went to Body Worlds in 2006. That would be a pretty damn representation.

    And another thing or two.

    I’ve never understood University of Wyoming’s beef with Colorado State University. However, I am all for the burning down of Brigham Young University. Fuck them and they’re beautiful Mormon women. Shit, I’d even drive the first bus full of angry Wyomingites to Utah, even though I can’t drive a stick XD

    One day, there were a couple of anally religious demonstrators or whatever out at Prexy’s Pasture at UW. I really wanted to steal the guy’s sign, but I had a bunch of stuff with me and didn’t know anyone, because if I did, I was not coming back for fear that guy would smash me with his guitar. Then at some point another student stood on one of the rocks and starting saying some bizarre shit while reading the Bible aloud upside down. The only thing he said that I can remember is “why are lesbians better carpenters than men?” and went on about how it was not just Adam and Steve, but also Eve and Ruth and about their bisexual adventures through Eden. At one point, the weird Jesus freak guy made some comment that we were all going to be riding the bus to Hell. One lady replied “sweet! I’ll even drive the bus!” and someone she knew I guess joked “you’re a Jew you’re riding the short bus” but it was funny in a horrible way. I just thought I’d share this random memory with Skepchick. I even have photographic evidence of the event!

    I’m the fucktard on the far right.

  21. @infinitemonkey: I had to look up the Grimm / grim thing. If you trace it back far enough, they both come from the same Norse root “grimmr”, meaning “fierce”, apparently.

  22. Is it ever okay to be the “gad guy”?
    How can I get more people to read my blog/
    Why do I want more people to read my blog?
    Why aren’t more people reading and talking about this:
    I am so glad this month is almost over.
    Why haven’t I gotten a PG and E bill yet this month?
    Will they be able to fix my windows this afternoon?
    Do my boobies look good in this sweater?
    Why do I want my boobies to look good in this sweater?
    Must write response to crappy science article before bed
    Must also work on draft of short story
    And do laundry
    My laundry room is creepy.

  23. I really love this AI topic

    Tanks middleman, I often marvel at other folks’ handles, yours included.

    I wish scanning images didn’t seem so tedious to me.

    I guess I could at least turn on the scanner.

    Oh hey look, I like what infinitemonkey said to sean. tee hee.

    I’m putting of this scanning business aren’t I.


    Up Up and Awaaaaaaaaaaay!

  24. headache is starting to come under control. I love science.

    now the pain is still there but it is very far away and wrapped in wet wool blankets. I’m nauseous from the pain but I can still function.

    Gonna make fettucini carbanora for dinner.

    women are so pretty

    except for that ugly hooker over there she aint pretty.

    poor lady, how did she end up doing that? that makes me really sad.

    I hope Elyse is okay. That makes me really sad. Cried over that. So sad.

    I hope Kaylia is okay, she made me cry too.

    now I’m in a sad loop.

    hate those

    get out of it think of something happy

    boobies are happy

    love the new skinny ties I got at Kohls for super cheap

    wish Kohls had clothes for tall men, I would save so much on my suits if they did

    damn I like dressing sharp

    would wear suits all the time if I could afford it

    almost time to go home

  25. Yeah! User moves got done early! Might see the wife tonight while we’re both awake.

  26. They used to say, ‘Man’ instead of ‘Dude’, but it was mocked so much it became passe. As will ‘Dude’.

  27. I’ve been so busy this week at work I could bare get my head above water to post here.

    Why do kids (mine) love Care Bears so much?

    Waiting for my work to replace this stupid Moto Q with an iPhone.

    Daytime TeeVee is so bad. Really really bad.

    Tacos for dinner.

    Didn’t even check out twitter today.

  28. Where’s science when you need it? Why can we figure out the mysteries of the universe, but we can’t solve the questions that have been plaguing humanity for years? Is there a scientific way to find a person who’s compatable with with you, or is it all luck? Is it possible to be one of those few people who will never find true love? Is there REALLY true love, or something along the lines of “being with you is better than not”? Or is being alone sometimes just a result of not trying hard enough?

  29. How many more disemboweled mice am I going to find in the basement?

    Cats better leave the babies I rescued from them alone.

    Ooo! chicken!

  30. Another day, another liver.

    Stop crying, cat! You’re not allowed outside.

    I’m going to TAM! I’m really going to TAM!

    What should I make for dinner tonight?