
Quickies: Fighting Nazis with data, following the research on diversity trainings, and more…

... plus a long-awaited cute animal Friday

It’s been a whole MONTH since I’ve posted here…. oops. If you know an educator, send them chocolate or beer or puppies or whatever makes them happy because this semester is ROUGH. Here are a few things that have grabbed my interest despite my life steeped in class prep, grading, and committee work.

You don’t have to rely on me for your cute animal fix. If you join the Skepchick Discord, there’s a WHOLE channel for that, where Muscadine keeps us up on all the cuteness. Here are some of their picks!

In addition to joining the Discord, you can reach us through our Contact Form.


Nicole is a professor, astronomer, educator, geek, dog mom, occasional fitness nerd, and maker of tiny comets. She is also very loud under the right circumstances. Like what you read? Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/noisyastronomer

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  1. Given the title, I was hoping for a lost Star Trek Next Gen episode. Maybe in some other timeline.

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