Quickies: Sending help to Lebanon and avoiding mystery seeds…
... and more, plus cute bebe animals
Hey, all! Sorry I missed last week’s round up. Getting prepared for the fall semester is hard enough when there’s not a pandemic raging. Also it was my birthday so goofing off was literally the only way I could think of to celebrate while in my house.
Many thanks to our peeps on Discord for keeping me up to date when I’ve been too busy to keep up with the news!
- On Tuesday, a devastating explosion occurred in a warehouse in Beirut, Lebanon. According to many folks in my social feeds, a good place to donate if you want to help is to the Lebanese Red Cross.
- I don’t even know what to make of the “mystery Chinese seeds” story. Someone taking advantage of all those work-from-home folks who are baking bread and gardening to deal with pandemic anxiety? In any case, I do appreciate the “Little Shop of Horrors” references. H/t Muscadine for the link.
- One of the first school districts to open in the U.S. has to quarantine students for COVID-19 exposure just hours into the first day of classes.
- Marian Call’s new album, “Swears” is just fucking perfect for 2020.
- The celebration of Black excellence in STEM continues on social media next week with #BlackInChem!
Apparently, it’s “baby animal week on the Guardian,” from Muscadine:
- And please enjoy the following video of BEBE IBEXES telling a fox and gravity to suck it
My first thought on hearing the mystery seeds story was ‘Papaver somniferum. If you can’t import retail because covid-19 has tightened borders, try wholesale.
Lebanese Red Cross–thank you, small donation sent.