Skepchick Sundaylies: Nightvale, Minecraft, Ashley X, and Critical Thinking Ponies
Sunday Funny: Academic Priority (via SMBC)
Suspension of Disbelief: Welcome to Nightvale
Alice recommends Welcome to Nightvale for all your procrastination needs.
This is What Happens When I Avoid Doing Work
Minecraft has been Minecraft’d.
Introduction to Pseudoscience: Positive Energy (en español)
Elara explores the strange world of the believe of magical positive and negative energies.
Ashley X – The Eternal Child. Disability and Bioethics (en español)
Lulú wonders about the ethics of medical interventions performed to make it easier for people to care for a person with serious disabilities.
My Critical Thinking Little Pony
My Little Pony teaches three-year-old Rose about the placebo effect, debunking the “what’s the harm” justification.
They Want Invocations? Let’s Give Them Invocations!
Lance discusses the Greece v. Galloway Supreme Court decision and one way we can counter its effects–calling the bluff that invocations just happen to be Christian because there aren’t alternatives.
Lesson Plan: Ultraviolet LightNow that there is some actual sun to use, check out Nicole’s crafty lesson on UV light.
Warning: Grading Essays May Cause Concussion
Jodee is tired of headdesking, but there has to be a way to improve college students’ writing.
Pop Quiz: As Seen on TVAlasdair finds TV schools to be less-than-realistic. Do you know of any good examples?
Featured image credit: Katie Brady via Flickr
Any luck in fixing the script so that we can page through to previous articles on the home page? :/
Yes, please.
Thank you for the early morning chuckle!