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ICYMI: October 6 – October 12 on the Skepchick Network

Teen Skepchick

Critical Fandom: Speaking Out
Eddy discusses the benefits of being vocal.

The Physics Philes, lesson 68: Cracking Under the Shear Pressure
Mindy learns about two more types of stresses and strains, and takes you along for the ride.

Some Answers to “Why Are There Still So Few Women in Science?”
Vy discusses some ways to mitigate gender bias in STEM fields.

Mad Art Lab

Giraffe: A Pain in the Neck for Science?
Yes, creationists. Evolution can explain a giraffe’s long neck.

Art Inquisition: Recast, Transformed, or Adapted?
Is it OK to use someone else’s art in your own work?

Cursebrand – Chapter 11
Read the latest chapter of Ryan’s new novel.


Waiter, There’s a Martian Pineapple in My Drink! (en español)
Oct 4th through 10th was World Space Week. Silvia explains why this dates were chosen and wonders about space tourism.


Just Make It Go Away
We should just be honest and call anti-LGBT bigots what they are: the enemy.

School of Doubt

Apples and Footballs
On World Teachers Day, Richard wishes schools could emphasize sports less.

Pop Quiz: Engage All the Students!
How do you get your more introverted students involved in class?

I Am Teaching a Class Right Now That Sucks Balls
DrShell usually loves teaching this introductory English course. Not this time.

Featured image credit: Martin Pettitt


Mindy is an attorney and Managing Editor of Teen Skepchick. She hates the law and loves stars. You can follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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