
Skepchick Quickies, 12.27


Jen is a writer and web designer/developer in Columbus, Ohio. She spends too much time on Twitter at @antiheroine.

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  1. I always find it fascinating that every instance of “discrimination” against Christians involves preventing them from discriminating against others! (Except for the wearing of the cross – I admit, that’s a new one. But come on. Really? Jewelry? You’re a nurse – call for a wahmbulance.)

  2. Barefoot Bree said it all.

    I’m sick of the religulous claiming they are discriminated against, oppressed and marginalized just because everyone else won’t kowtow to their belief system.

  3. Re: Discrimination against Christians

    I have to say that they went a bit far saying a nurse can’t wear her crucifix. I might not agree with her religion, but wearing a crucifix hurts nobody. That kind of censorship could go both ways and makes me a bit uncomfortable.

  4. “Those maternal instincts are in the right place, but too often, the voice of autism recovery seems to be coming out of Jenny McCarthy’s ass.”

  5. @Other Amanda:

    I suspect that the crucifix ban has less to do with the religious aspect, and more to do with hygiene. When working with open wounds, anything that dangles is a very bad idea; this is why medical personnel are generally required to keep their hair short or tied back.

  6. That McCarthy article wasn’t really the joy to read it should have been. From the article:

    “As a friend with an autistic child said recently, “We went for quite a while with diet and supplements, and I don’t have any doubt that there’s legitimacy to it. I’ve seen too much of it work.”


    “A friend who works with autistic kids said this week, “I have heard too many anecdotal accounts from parents who say that their child received a vaccine in the a.m., began to zone out by the p.m., and stopped speaking or playing the next day.”

    At least someone pointed out in the comments that the plural of anecdote is not data.

  7. @“Other” Amanda:
    I have to say that they went a bit far saying a nurse can’t wear her crucifix.

    The article itself was very clear to specifiy that this was a general hospital policy for everyone, not anti-religious against christians only. In other words, it likely means nobody is allowed to wear any jewelry for “health and safety concerns“, and her religion doesn’t mandate her to wear a crucufix at all times anyway.

    @Barefoot Bree:
    I always find it fascinating that every instance of “discrimination” against Christians involves preventing them from discriminating against others!

    Generally, any time christians feel “discriminated” against, it’s usually because they’re suddenly losing some privilege which they probably didn’t even realise they had.

    Likewise, any time someone else is asking for the same (equal) rights, christians think they’re asking for special privileges. (Perhaps they are special privileges, except once again, those are privileges the christians already had for ages).

  8. After the judgment Mrs Chaplin said that every Christian would now be afraid to reveal their beliefs at work, adding: “This is a very bad day for Christianity.”

    Shoes on the other foot now religious person! Tell me how does it feel to be afraid of being discriminated against because of your beliefs (or lack of beliefs.)

    Although as several other commenters pointed out they are losing their special privileges, not actually being discriminated against. I doubt this will actually make them regret discriminating against atheists for years.

  9. @Barefoot Bree

    When society finally stands up and takes the whip away from their oppressors the oppressors invariably scream about their property being confiscated.


    Likely it will make them more willing to discriminate, after all, payback and all that jazz.

  10. Let me propose some hypotheticals:

    1) I am a Christian Librarian. Am I within my rights to refuse to show people to books on other religions (290s!) or evolution (570s, with the 580s and 590s having a fair bit, too) if it conflicts with my religious beliefs? Does the answer change if I am employed by the public (say, a public university or the public library) or privately (a private university or a corporate library)?

    2) I am a God-Fearing member of the KKK and a pharmacist. Now, it’s obvious to me that the mud-peoples shouldn’t be treated like humans, and it’s a core part of my religious beliefs that they not receive human medicine. Therefore, am I within my rights to refuse to serve anyone brown or wearing a yarmulke?

    3) I am a Jewish or Muslim cashier at a supermarket. Am I within my rights to refuse to check out people who have pork products in their basket?

  11. @Andrew Nixon: I couldn’t agree less with what this store is doing. If you refuse to do something in your job stop causing problems for everyone else and find a job you’re willing to do.

    I bet they don’t allow recovering alcoholics to opt-out of handling alcohol, or diabetics to opt-out of handling sweets – both of which would be much more reasonable allowances.

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