
Skepchick Quickies, 8.23


Jen is a writer and web designer/developer in Columbus, Ohio. She spends too much time on Twitter at @antiheroine.

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  1. Most of the comments about the magnet lady are skeptical. In addition to the brass (non-magnetic) key noted by one commenter, there are a bunch of coins, at least one obviously copper.

    The only “experts” consulted by the Daily Mail are woo practitioners. Of course they are going to say it’s real.

    One of them cited the brain producing magnetic fields. Well, that is sort of true, but as usual, they completely ignore the enormous difference in scale between that an ordinary bar magnet, which is millions of times stronger, and is uniform.

  2. “She says her body can emit a negative or positive charge, depending on the time of the month.”

    Apparently no one at the Daily Fail knows how magnets work.

  3. The page linked to for the chicken pox story is badly messed up (at least in Opera), but the intro is here (about half way down.)

  4. @Buzz Parsec: The link itself is correct. The problem must lie in the way the site itself renders in Opera, which we can’t really do anything about. It seems to look okay in Firefox, Safari and IE.

  5. You know… the psychiatric profession recognizes animal hoarding – do they have some subset of that category for hoarding children?

  6. @Jen: I suspected as much, which is why I mentioned I was using Opera. BTW, I downloaded a new version of it yesterday, so it might be broken. I can see all the other pages at that site, though.

    The real question is is it worth firing up something else to view it, or would that just make me hate all of humanity even more?

  7. @banyan: She’s discovered magnetic monopoles! Awesome! I can’t believe I missed that the first time. She better make her travel arrangements to Stockholm ASAP.

  8. Magnetic Woman? She’s leaning back slightly.
    She only got the stuff on her skin. She’s got the heaviest stuff on her boob shelf.
    She’s looking kind of moist and sticky..

    The Duggars really make me reconsider my position on free choice. sigh.
    And then they apparently don’t vaccinate. This accentuates the fact that free choice doesn’t mean smart choice. Although 19 kids is enough of an example.

  9. @Danarra: It isn’t hoarding. When you don’t vaccinate, you need to make sure you have spares on hand so that at least SOME will make it to adulthood.

  10. @Non Believer: If you want to sell papers, you don’t put the words moist or sticky in the headline. As no one knows how magnets works, calling her the Magnetic Woman is a perfect way to build up intrigue.

  11. It has nothing to do with the fact that Vaseline is sticky.

    “…and even a metal lid from a Vaseline pot can stay on her body…”

  12. @Buzz Parsec:

    Actually the ‘copper’ coin is one of the new ones with a steel core – but all the others (20p, 2x £1, £2) are entirely non-magnetic

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