
Quickies: Human skin textiles

Vote for the pie you want and the Biodiversity Heritage Library

Scientists grow “yarn” out of human skin cells – Yes, this is exactly as gross/cool as you think it is. The researchers say it,  “…could be used by surgeons to close wounds or assemble implantable skin grafts.”

A metaphor on electability – “Sure, I love apple pie, and that one has almost everything I want in a pie. I love that crisp flaky crust and spicy-sweet filling. I’m not a huge fan of the crumbly, buttery streusel topping, but I can handle it. More importantly, though, I’m guessing Rick from Texas prefers pecan pie, so I think I’ll vote for that one instead.”

Biodiversity Heritage Library has 150,000 free downloadable botanical and animal illustrations – And so, so much more like a guide to taxidermy from 1833 and handwritten notes on local botanical collections.



Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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