
Quickies: AOC being sued for blocking on Twitter

Also the nightmare of MLMs and the 2.5 year FOIA search on the FBI's Stormfront records

Happy Friday everyone! I’m filling in for Noisy today, who is off attending a conference.

AOC is being sued for blocking people on Twitter – “AOC is the target of two separate lawsuits, both accusing her of violating people’s First Amendment rights by blocking them on Twitter. One suit comes from Dov Hikind, a former Brooklyn Assemblyman and founder of the group Americans Against Anti-Semitism. While technically a Democrat, Hikind is a vocal Trump supporter and regularly tweets 4chan-esque views and disparaging remarks about AOC and other freshman lawmakers, including frequent anti-Muslim attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar.”

The FBI somehow lost its files about Stormfront – “It took two and a half years for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to tell journalist Emma Best it misplaced (or just plain lost) chunks of investigative records about the hate-filled white supremacist forum Stormfront.”

MLMs are a nightmare for women and everyone they know – Multi Level Marketing (pyramid) schemes rely on the social networks of women and the social etiquette of their friends to feel obligated to purchase something from them. This, of course, strains both the relationships and the finances of women.

Cute Animal Friday! My Instagram feed is mostly cats, including these sweeties who don’t want to admit that they’re friends (the look on their faces!). Also did you know that you can put a scrunchy on a sphynx kitty? And for videos, please don’t ask me how many times I’ve watched this kitty getting his feet tickled.

The featured photo is from a visit I took to a cat cafe. That little orange sweetie was curled up inside the claw game they had there. This apparently happened often, as there was a sign on the machine that said, “Please don’t play this game if cats are napping in here.”



Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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