
Quickies: Why the anti-abortion movement relies on white women leaders

Also the philosophy of science

Why the anti-abortion movement relies on white women leaders – “With the support of white women, anti-abortion activists can paint the many women who vocally protest their dangerous policies as hysterical and non-representative of all women. Subsequently, they can capitalize on the racial power dynamics that grant white women greater visibility and credibility than women of color to paint their views as universal, speaking for all women.”

How do we reverse the tide of an anti-science America? – Interested to hear what others think of this take on the philosophy of science.

Trump administration announces plans to gut protections for trans people in shelters – “The proposal, announced by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, centers on the Equal Access Rule, first published in 2012 to ensure shelters and programs do not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. HUD Secretary Ben Carson plans to weaken those provisions and other protections for transgender people seeking access to HUD programs.”

This Podcast Will Kill You covers vaccines – The whole podcast is a great listen if you have any interest in public health, epidemiology, or just interesting human biology in general. This is the first of a two part episode on the history and biology of vaccines.


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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