Quickies: Trevor Noah Matters, Chap Records, and Trump’s Treasury Pick
- Trevor Noah didn’t “destroy” Tomi Lahren on The Daily Show. What he did was much better. – “But three weeks after Trump’s win, Noah has started to move on to the ‘what next?’ stage of grief. Opening his November 29 show with another exasperated sigh, he offered a solution for those wanting to reason with Trump, whom Noah insists conducts himself like a temperamental kid.”
- Trump’s pick to lead Treasury tried to kick woman out of her house over 27 cents – “After some confusion about her insurance coverage two years back, a subsidiary of OneWest sent Ossie Lofton, of Lakeland, Florida, a bill for $423.30. Lofton sent the bank a check for $423, and got another bill for the remaining $0.30. The woman–who, it’s worth emphasizing again here, is 90 years old–mailed in a check for $0.03. The mix-up was enough to trigger foreclosure proceedings. Lawyers at the non-profit Florida Rural Legal Services asked the court for a jury trial.”
- Einstein’s Age Of Extremism – “Einstein would not return to Berlin until the following year, and would not correct his theory until the end of the 1920s, when he was confronted with irrefutable proof from the world’s most renowned astronomer, the director of the famed observatory on top of California’s Mount Wilson: Edwin Powell Hubble.”
- Dakota Access Pipeline Will Be Re-Routed In A Victory For Standing Rock Tribe – “North Dakota Congressman Kevin Cramer, a Republican who supported the pipeline’s construction, said ‘today’s unfortunate decision sends a very chilling signal to others who want to build infrastructure in this country.’ ” (I think that sounds like a guy who is volunteering for the pipeline to be built on his property.)
- What’s A Song That Could Ruin Your Whole Day? Our Listeners Respond – I have to admit, the first three “hated” songs are some of my favorite Christmas songs.
- Why does long-term zero-g hurt astronauts’ eyes? Mystery solved – “Turns out that long stints in outer space affect levels of cerebrospinal fluid. That explains why many astronauts who had 20/20 vision before space missions needed glasses upon return, according to a paper presented this week.”
- Chap Records Were Basically Yelp for 1900s Eligible Bachelorettes – “After a second date in 1908 with a suitor named Ray Smith, Carol Pardee, the privileged granddaughter of Oakland mayor Enoch Pardee, took out her notebook and, with careless spelling, wrote her opinion about the boy: ‘To big a sport. Talks to much.’ Later in the year, she met Frank Haudel. Verdict: ‘[t]oo dirty. Teeth are green.’ On January 16th, 1911, after a date with Wyman Smith from Sacramento, she wrote a one-word summary of the courter: ‘FOOL.’ “
Tomi Lehren proved herself a complete moran. I’m not surprised for SD, though. (Seriously, we call SD, ND, and MT the “Deep North” for a reason.)
ETP’s still illegally going ahead with the pipeline. In other news, the hipsters have caused problems at the camp. One of them even called LaDonna Tamakawastewin Allard the C-word.
Can I just say I love that Trump’s “drain the swamp” pick for Treasury Secretary was a Goldman Sachs exec and produced Batman v. Superman? No atrocity great or small, I guess. (Now, you know, if we’d nominated Bernie or, you know, anyone who wasn’t Hillary, I could’ve spread right-wing conspiracy theories about how Trump was a pawn of the Clintons because Ivanka and Chelsea are BFFs. Because that’s what I bring to this party (Geddit?): The ability to manipulate our opposition’s emotions from the anonymity of my PC, smartphone, or tablet.)