
Quickies: Women-led podcasts, Clue, Clinton, and bloomers


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. The one about Clinton is especially important. You’d be surprised how many people over on the Great Orange Satan think Hillary will automatically fix everything just because she’s a woman. She won’t even fix sexism by just being a woman in the White House; if Obama’s administration tells us anything, it’s that racism simply came to the fore. (And since Huckabee is already trying to turn himself into a MRA with a “Male Lives Matter” movement, and since “discount race, class, etc. aspects of issues where a male suffers” is a standard MRA tactic…)

    For Clinton herself, she suffers from a few issues. Her ties to the DLC (basically the last of the overtly racist Democrats) are an issue, for instance.

  2. Every word of that Hillary one, yes please.

    Stars, if it were Elizabeth Warren instead of her…

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