
Quickies: Cosplaying to Protest Racist Dress Code, Leslie Jones and Black Humanity, and Bill O’Reilly Affirms Terribleness

  • When The Boss Institutes A Strict Dress Code, Start Cosplaying At Work – “Office dress codes are a real drag, even with Casual Fridays, but employees who want to keep their jobs are forced to dress accordingly…or are they? If you go by the experiences of June J Rivas then dress codes don’t mean a thing, because when her boss instituted a severe and illegal dress code she replied by cosplaying to work.” From Rebecca.
  • Dystopian Novel Challenges Misogyny As ‘The Natural Way Of Things’ – “Set in a dystopian backwater, her short, gripping book begins as an allegory of thuggish misogyny then evolves into a far stranger and more challenging feminist parable. The first chapters plunge us into a dusty, desolate prison camp deep in the outback. The prisoners, we learn, are 10 young women whose crime, so to speak, is to have been involved in sex scandals, from sleeping with a priest, to engaging in a cruise-ship orgy, to giving sexual favors to the judge of a talent show.”
  • On Leslie Jones & social media protecting white fragility but not black humanity – “In the midst of it all, she did what she could by sharing screenshots of the hateful comments and eventually removed herself from Twitter altogether. Many made remarks of Jones’ strength, painting her in the image of a ‘strong black woman’ calling her defenses ‘clap-backs,’ when in fact, they were simply her cries of re-validating her humanity. Let us not forget, these attacks on Jones were rooted in racism and sexism.” From Radium.
  • Bill O’Reilly’s jaw-dropping response to Michelle Obama: “Slaves were well-fed” – “This reluctance to view slavery, or the tokens we carry through history that were created as a benefit of slavery, as horrific or difficult has been a long journey for most Americans. Only recently are popular representations of slavery appropriately brutal and representative of the reality of the practice.”
  • Sure, Taylor Swift deserves protection from trolls. But don’t we all? – “But, much like giving Swift tools to clean up her feeds, Twitter’s momentary focus on me didn’t fix a thing – any more than a successful GoFundMe campaign fixes a broken healthcare system, or one person winning the lottery fixes the economy. If anything, it bolstered the erroneous perception that Twitter harassment is a white woman’s problem, and making loud white women temporarily happy is a solution. (I sincerely hope that Instagram is planning to roll out this feature, or one like it, to the masses who need it the most, and I will praise it when I see it functionally protecting vulnerable users.)” From Alex.

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Mary Brock works as an Immunology scientist by day and takes care of a pink-loving princess child by night. She likes cloudy days, crafting, cooking, and Fall weather in New England.

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  1. Mary,

    Bill O’Reilly has become an apologist for slavery. The guy was never smartest or most reasonable person out there, but I never expected him to say anything like this. So what if the slaves were fed well. Even if that’s true, it doesn’t change the fact that they were still slaves and that they had their basic human rights denied and were treated like property, instead of full fledged human beings.

      1. Mrmisconception,

        Okay, you have a point. Thanks for bringing that up, I unintentionally made it sound like they had it better than they did.

    1. Party of Lincoln, now apologists for slavery. How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of morning!

      (And yes, I’m aware “Lucifer” didn’t mean “let’s rip off Zoroastrianism” back when Isaiah was written.)

  2. Slavery apologia is always the weirdest part of right-wing American racism. I sincerely want to believe none of them think that slavery should come back, but I can’t imagine what other motivation there is for defending its moral validity.

    I can’t piece together what could possibly motivate it.

  3. The problem with slavery isn’t what they were fed or where they slept. The problem with slavery is that human beings were property. A well treated and poorly treated slave have both had the most fundamental human right of all taken from them.

    Trust buffoon-Bill to try to obscure that.

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