It’s the Skepchick Sundaylies! Space Image Editing for Dummies, Illness Caused by Emotions, and more!
Sunday Funny: Truth and Politics (via SMBC)
Mad Art Cast Pigment
The Gang discuss the Forbe’s Collection of pigments and how science uses it to protect historical masterpieces.
Raw Space Image Editing for Dummies
Julie teaches herself how to edit raw space images.
WIP Weekend – Beachy Necklace Part 2
Robin learns to see the beauty in imperfection by making a necklace out of found beach objects.
Introduction to Pseudoscience: Bioneuroemotion or the Art of Being Guilty of Your Illness (en español)
Nuskis takes us to the dangerous world of people who believe all sickness comes from emotions.
To Bloom or Not to Bloom
Almost all teachers learn it, but is Bloom’s taxonomy all it’s cracked up to be?
Featured image credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)