Quickies: Harassment in virtual reality, evidence-based medicine, and soap
- Harassment in virtual reality feels “way, way worse” according to VR developers – “Harris explained his own characterization of how harassment might feel to someone in VR: “It is intense, it is visceral [and] it triggers your fight or flight response.””
- Evidence-based medicine has been hijacked – John Ioannidis states that evidence-based medicine, “has become a very common term that is misused and abused by eminence-based experts and conflicted stakeholders who want to support their views and their products, without caring much about the integrity, transparency, and unbiasedness of science.” From Will.
- Rape kit system unnecessary since most accusations false, says Idaho sheriff – “Such claims are part of a larger problem of law enforcement harboring unfair skepticism of victims of rape more so than other crimes, said Ilse Knecht, policy and advocacy director for the Joyful Heart Foundation.” From Mary.
- If the wage gap exists, how do women afford all those nice soaps? – “Nowadays, every woman who buys one of those sparkly soap balls that look like candy is living evidence that females have not only reached the glass ceiling, but also smashed right through it.” From Courtney.