
Quickies: Indian Women Facing Harassment, Doctors Versus Alternative Medicine, and Neutral Only Means Not-Girl

  • Science is for Boys and Makeup is for Girls – A comparison of two science kits in a toy magazine. Also, in the advertisement, the boy is wearing goggles whereas the girl is not, implying his science kit is the explosive one and hers is just pretty, simple lip balm.
  • For Speaking Their Mind Online, Women In India Face Threats – “The abuse is often sexist, according to a 2013 study by the non-profit, Internet Democracy Project. The researchers did detailed interviews with 17 Indian women active in the online space, either on Facebook or Twitter or on blogs. Richa Kaul Padte, one of the study authors, recorded death and rape threats as well as sexualized messages and gender based slurs.”
  • Here be Dragons: Caring for Children in a Dangerous Sea of sCAM – “As a pediatrician working in a relatively sCAM-inclined region, it is not uncommon to find myself taking care of patients who are also being followed by so-called alternative medicine practitioners. This often creates a major obstacle to providing appropriate care and establishing an atmosphere of mutual trust in the provider-patient/parent relationship. It usually makes me feel like I’m battling invisible serpents in a sea of sCAM.”
  • Everybody in dresses: Why does gender neutral clothing always mean ‘boy’ clothes for girls? – “Neutral” always means “non-girl” because “girly” has so much stigma attached to it. Thanks, patriarchy!
  • Honey isn’t as healthy as we think – “The researchers gave subjects daily doses of each of three sweeteners – honey, cane sugar and high-fructose corn sweetener – for two weeks at a time. They then compared measures of blood sugar, insulin, body weight, cholesterol and blood pressure in the 55 subjects. The researchers found that the three sweeteners basically have the same impacts. Most measures were unchanged by the sweeteners. One measure of a key blood fat, a marker for heart disease, rose with all three.”

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Mary Brock works as an Immunology scientist by day and takes care of a pink-loving princess child by night. She likes cloudy days, crafting, cooking, and Fall weather in New England.

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  1. A tunic seems like a good choice of genuinely gender neutral clothing.

    It’s about the only piece of clothing that fits that description.

  2. Regarding honey, it’s still like, 80% sugar, no? Just think of honey as just as healthy as any other caloric sweetener. (In other words, best used in moderation.)

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