Quickies: Heroic scientists, #CrimingWhileWhite, and chimpanzee rights
- On heroic scientists and hagiography – “In well-intentioned pastiches of the past, scientific women emerge as cardboard cutouts – the selfless helpmate, the source of inspiration, the dedicated assistant who sacrifices everything for the sake of her man and the cause of science. On the other hand, over-compensation – glorifying women as lone pioneers, as unrecognized geniuses – also has its drawbacks.”
- #CrimingWhileWhite opens a prism on police and race – From Mary.
- Case for chimpanzee rights rejected by appeals court – “The suits sought so-called writs of habeas corpus; had they been granted, the chimpanzees’ owners would have been forced to justify the chimps’ captivity.”
- Rape horoscopes: India TV news’ latest ratings ploy – From Bo.
- Cute Animal Friday! Have some hugs! This dog clearly loves a good spa day.
After you’ve had a look at #CrimingWhileWhite, I urge you to take a look at #AliveWhileBlack
Just a note #Alivewhileblack