Skepchick Quickies 1.1
Happy New Year! I don’t know what you’re all doing today, but I’m having a traditional Southern New Year’s Good Luck Dinner. (I support any tradition that involves good food!)
- Phil Robertson, Anus-Obsessed Racist, Also Recommends Child Brides – Lindy West hits it out of the park with this article.
- In 1964, Isaac Asimov Imagined the World in 2014 – I’m such a huge Asimov fan.
- Not All Black Movies This Year Dealt With Slavery – Another one of my favorite black movies (not from 2014) is Pariah.
- Supreme Court Justice Temporarily Blocks Contraceptive Mandate – A disappointing blip on the road to progress, as usual.
BONUS: Books to read in 2014. I’m blazing through NOS4A2 right now and it is riveting (it is by Joe Hill and very much in the style of Stephen King, his dad).
I like Isaac Asimov and now I have something fun to read! YES!