Skepchick Quickies 11.27
To all of my fellow Americans, happy Day Before Thanksgiving! Do you have any idea what you’re making for tomorrow?
- Gender Inequality in Film – In easy-to-digest infographic form! From Daniela.
- I Was an Illegal Second Child in China – “My mother risked her life to have me in an underground clinic. Now that Beijing has decided to loosen the one-child policy, it should deal with the consequences for families unluckier than mine.”
- “Fit Mom” lashes out at “regular” women’s selfies – What’s her excuse for being so ignorant?
- Vaccine Implant Could Eliminate Painful Booster Shots – Biomaterials have so many neat applications. (In fact, that was my major in college.)
Super pumped for Turkey Day. I’m making Alton Brown’s green bean casserole from scratch:
And also mulled cider.
Yum! I’ve made the same casserole from Cook’s Illustrated. This year, we’re making bacon and apple stuffing, and I’m BUYING a pie. Because I’m tired already, haha.
I was outvoted by my partner. He wants traditional green bean casserole and I wanted Alton Brown’s…maybe we should have a casserole off. I would totally win. Not that it’s a competition. (It’s a competition.)
Made my apple pie this afternoon. Brining the Turkey overnight. I looooove turkey.
Traditional…feh! That’s like comparing canned vs. homemade cranberry sauce! (I’m all homemade, all the way, wrt that topic.)
Oh yeah, he only eats the canned. I make the fresh cranberry for the rest of us. Though, after a few drinks I have been known to scoop out a few bites from that can myself….it’s a fascinating substance.
Was laid off and my car died on the same damn day (as in, really, totally dead) so I am staying in the city for Thanksgiving because I can’t afford a trip to see my family and even if I could I don’t have a car to drive there. Which is okay by me, honestly. I have plans with a good friend and his friends whom I’ve never met but I expect it’ll be good times. I love meeting new people and there will be food and booze and I’ll probably be baked off my ass so what’s not to love?!
Then on Saturday I’ll be going to another dinner with some really good friends of mine and I’m REALLY looking forward to that. I’ve been a total depressed mess so it’ll be good to spend some time with people I love. Family isn’t just blood.
Hoping to visit the fam for Christmas, although I hate Christmas (but I do love my family!), but if that doesn’t work out, I do have alternate plans with a really great gal friend of mine. So either way I’ll be set.
The reason I love Thanksgiving so much is because it’s just a time to get together with family (not just blood family) and enjoy a great meal together.
I love Thanksgiving as well! Even with the potential for family drama.
Hey! You’re a badass, marilove. The world needs more people like you in it. That’s some shit luck you got lately. Hang in there, though. Hang in and hang on.
I really hope you had a good Holiday. And I hope even more things start going your way. And once they do, I hope they never stop!
Thank you!
Idk though, this is basically what my life is like. It’s not so much shit luck as it is normal. Heh.
“If it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all…”