Skepchick Quickies 11.15
- Bishop to perform exorcism on the day same-sex marriage goes into law – “Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield said he will offer prayers for “exorcism in reparation for the sin of same-sex marriage” at the same time Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is expected to sign the same-sex marriage bill next week.” From Stephen.
- How teachers can sneak religious indoctrination into public schools – From Criticaldragon1177.
- Rock microbes found in Western Australia could be earliest signs of life on Earth – From Jack99.
- How to deal with monsters under the bed – The skeptical way, of course.
- Cute Animal Friday! I think this cat looks very fetching with a chick on its head, don’t you? Brother and sister snow leopard cubs, both cute and beautiful.
Glad you decided to post a link to piece on David Barton that I sent you. I’m hoping we can help expose him, and foil his plot to infiltrate our public school faculties and fill them with “good Christians” who will try to get around the law to promote their religious views to a captive young audience.
I’m looking for suggestions for additions and/or modifications to my so far unsuccessful ritual to exorcise exorcists from the body politic. (Please, no newts. You never know when they are going to spontaneously get better and ruin everything.)
An exorcism !!, How is that going to work? “take me instead, not her, take me instead” :)