
Skepchick Quickies 8.14

On August 14, 1975, The Rocky Horror Picture Show opened in Los Angeles, California. I’ve never seen it in a theater, have any of you?

BONUS:  A Captivating GIF of Anthony Weiner’s Pulsating Jaw. Haha, I don’t know why I can’t look away. Also, for Breaking Bad fans: See the Animated Version of Badger’s Star Trek Pie-Eating Story. I love Badger and I thought this was one of his best moments.


Mary Brock works as an Immunology scientist by day and takes care of a pink-loving princess child by night. She likes cloudy days, crafting, cooking, and Fall weather in New England.

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  1. Mary, you missed your chance to see Rocky Horror in Harvard Square! I went a lot in the late ’80s when I was in high school. Last time we were walking through Harvard Square, I lamented that the theater was no longer there and remembered lining up on the sidewalk along the brick wall just before midnight.

    Also, the author of the article about comic books is a friend from college! I caught up with him over Memorial Day when I was in Chicago for a wedding. He has a book about Wonder Woman comics coming our next year.

    1. I used to go to see Rocky Horror in Harvard Sq in the late 80s too! I didn’t know the theater was gone. snif snif

  2. I used to watch Rocky Horror at a midnight show on Fridays in Queens, NY back in the ’80s. They were still showing it in Greenwich Village on 8th street, which was the most well known Rocky Horror show, but I never went there.

    I didn’t notice the “cutting hair as sign of distress” thing on TV. I’ve seen makeovers (including a new hairdo) as a sign of some sort of change, but they almost never cut off a lot of hair. Interestingly, my mind went to the Bourne trilogy when while being chased, the woman traveling with Jason Bourne would cut and dye her hair to keep the bad guys from recognizing her. I guess since hair color and length is one of the most identifiable traits next to skin tone a person (particularly women) have, in the same way that it’s a quick and easy disguise, it’s a quick and easy way to show a drastic change.

  3. I’ve seen Rocky Horror in the theater quite a few times. The 1980’s and early 90’s were rife with midnight screenings, and toast. ;p

  4. There is nothing like getting tricked by your so-called “friends” into drinking so much Everclear you pass out in the porn theatre which does the local midnight showings of Rocky Horror, only to wake up on the floor with your cheek in a puddle of sticky, whitish coagulant.


    Between that and the hair styles, I don’t miss the 80s one bit.

  5. I’m having a hard time with the article on pseudoephedrine. Isn’t most of what is being sold generic? If so, why would “Big Pharma” be so interested in keeping it on the market? (I know some name-brand products still exits, but I would think there would be better money makers.)

    We already have to show an ID to buy pseudoephedrine. One time when everyone in the house was sick I went over the limit buying this for everyone, which I have to admit annoyed the hell out of me.

    It is such a pain to get an appointment with a doctor. And what about everyone who doesn’t have health care coverage? Maybe if we had a better health care system I would consider this option.

    1. I read to the point where it said “there are other decongestants without pseudoephedrine” and just started laughing. Oh, how I wished some of those others worked as well….

  6. I’ve seen Rocky Horror a few times. The live action cast in Cincinnati, The Denton Affair, has been going strong for 30 years. My brother was in the cast back in the 90’s. It had been a while when I turned to the lady next to me on a busy Friday night at Kaldi’s Coffeeshop with a copy of the CityBeat and said “I haven’t seen Rocky Horror in years, wanna go?”. “Sure”, she said. We didn’t even get each others names until after the show.

    We’ve been married for 10 years now ;)

  7. Have lost count of how many times I have seen The Rocky Horror Show.
    I saw Max Phipps play Frank’n’Furter 6 or 7 times at the Channel 7 (HSV) Teletheatre in the 70s
    I have seen Molly Meldrum, Red Symonds and Derryn Hinch play the Narrator
    Max Phipps, Reg Livermore and Craig McLaughlin play Frank.
    Probably have seen the live show ten or eleven times.
    Have seen the movie lots more than that.

    The message I took from it is “All sorts of Sex is fine, so long as everyone agrees to the rules”

  8. My mom wouldn’t let me go see Rocky Horror at a midnight showing with my older friend Leslie when I was, like, 14 or so. I was crushed. I didn’t see it until I moved away after graduation. I saw it at the Capri Theater in Charlotte, NC at a midnight showing with an audience full of veterans and it was amazing.

  9. I had seen The Rocky Horror Show for the first time at the nubile young age of 13. It basically changed my life as I had known it. I spent some years doing the stage performance under the screen that the really special venues had. I played Magenta and it was one of the best times in my young adult life. Where would some of us be without The Rocky?! It was a sort of rite of passage for many of us and if you have yet to see it in a theater then in my humble opinion you have yet to see The Rocky. I hope you are finally able to enjoy this movie in a theater and it is an amazing experience for you. :)

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