
Skepchick Quickies, 4.25


Jen is a writer and web designer/developer in Columbus, Ohio. She spends too much time on Twitter at @antiheroine.

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  1. I would like to note that the gaming community sexism/bullying article is by the group Extra Creditz (they are amazingly fantastic) which appears as a part of Penny Arcade TV but is not in fact Penny Arcade itself.
    Penny Arcade the main website and creators have hosted some of the most virulent sexism I've seen in the community over the last couple of years and many women associated with the gaming industry refuse to attend their events due to their response. Although Gabe and Tycho have responded in a somewhat contrite manner most of the male fans think its funny to do flash mobs and groups gatherings celebrating the fact that rape as a joke on the wimminz. 

    1. I'm not sure that's a fair characterization of Gabe and Tycho of Penny Arcade.  While they certainly use a lot of "juvenile, male" humor (read: penis jokes), they appear (to me at least) to be actively working to better the gaming community for women (and everyone else).  The times I recall sexism in their comics is generally when they're calling it out,  as the punchline [see the comic from December 3, 2004, for an example].  They actively work against some of the sexist attitudes of the game industry (for example, they actively discourage "booth babes" at PAX, the gaming conventions they run).  The news post on 4/9/12  (titled "my big pax post") has some commentary on the difficulties they ran into this year.
      Also let me counter your anecdote with one of my own: I recall one of the panels at Pax East 2009, where a young women stepped up to the microphone just to thank Penny Arcade, because that was the first convention she had attended where she didn't feel disgusted.
      Oh yeah, and they do provide a host for great stuff like Extra Credits, and I've never seen one of those horribly obnoxious 'Evony' boob ads on their site.
      Please let me know if I'm missing something.  I'll freely admit I'm male, straight, white, cis privledged, but I am trying to look at this as objectively as I can…. but I'm just not seeing the sexism you seem to be from penny arcade.
      With that all said…. *excellent* video..I love hearing practical suggestions to actually tackle some of the vileness so rampant in the gaming community, and the internet in general.

    2. Is this still in reference to that World of Warcraft themed cartoon with the 'Dickwolves'? Or is this a forum thing (a thing I stay away from in most communities anyway)?

  2. Just when I thought I knew where the limits of school stupidity were. No prom unless you have a date? Really? What kind of insane mentality gave birth to that idea?

    1. It is a Catholic school. It kind of has anti-LGBT bias written all over it. If you are not into opposite sex kids, what better way to screw you than forcing you to get a 'correct' date for the prom?
      Of course, it could be that the administrators are misanthropes and hate all people in general and not 'just' LGBT.

      1. I graduated high school way back in '85, and one of the big things at the time was Disneylands graduation night.  (Might still be for all I know).  But at that moment Disneyland was in the midst of an anti-LGBT campaign.  Family friendly and all that.  So that year they put in some new requirements.  You had to take a date of the OPPOSITE sex.  No going with friends, it had to be dates.
        Males had to wear a suit, and females had to wear a dress AND HIGH HEELS. 
        That's right, walking all over Disneyland, and standing in line for rides, in high heels. 
        In addition, everyone would be padded down and have their packs searched when they got on the bus.  And again when they got off the bus.  And again before they enetered the park…
        I had no interest in going even if I had the money and a date.

    2. While @vexorian has an interesting take on this I think it is almost surely an anti-masturbation thing. I mean, on prom night you’re supposed to get some and if you go to the dance alone, well…

    3. It's a rule set by the Archdiocese I believe.  I went to Bishop Shanahan highschool (same archdiocese) and the rules applied there as well. Being dumped in the month before prom sucked because I had to scramble to find someone to take so that I would still be able to attend the dance and make use of my dress and all. But generally, 1) you have to have a date, 2)boys in suits girls in dresses, no exceptions 3) heterosexual pairings only 4) strict checks for alcohol, condoms, etc and strict suprvision including bussing from prom to sponsored after prom or having parents check with teachers before taking kids home, 5) The dresses had to meet strict requirements about length (below the knees), clevege, no cut outs or backless, etc.

  3. Great article on intelligence and the power of mindset.
    I believe also that it's how one is raised that can effect one's mindset; i.e, receiving encouragement verses being told what a piece of crap you are (I've experienced more the latter than the former).
    Amazing the school faculty chooses to be such asshats. Personally, I feel proms are overrated anyway, but if one wishes to attend without a date, that's their descision. I do hope she can fight it and win.

  4. I considered myself least likely ever to go to one prom and ended up going to four with four different dates. 3 in high school and once a year after graduation. Since that was in the Eighties, I have only vague memories of them, nothing life changing, but I know some girls put a lot of emphasis and importance on this particular event. Guys not so much. I can only think that none of my dates had any life altering experiences either. We had many people go to prom without dates, wtf cares? Oh, Catholics. What do you expect. I know my high school had a problem with a girl wearing a tux, but she wore it anyway and no one there could have cared less. Surely there are more important things to worry about like protecting underage boys from Catholic Priest abuse. Sorry, had to throw that in there, and don't call me Shirley.

  5. Pretty Logical Fallacy Poster! I have to give props to SGU's site  though, more thorough and love the podcast.

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