
Skepchick Quickies 11.25


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. I heard about the Pink Sari gang on NPR yesterday and was filled with mixed emotions. It’s nice to see the disenfranchised sticking up for themselves, but vigilantism usually doesn’t end well.

  2. The federal bailout insight is excellent.

    On a side note…

    I’m just glad that gas prices have fallen so that Santa will be able to afford his worldwide jaunt without having to layoff any elves this season.

  3. @pkitty:

    You’re assuming that he lays off his surplus elves? How quaint. Let’s just say that although his belly shakes when he laughs, like a bowl full of jelly, it’s not jelly that fills it up.

  4. So like I am trying to comment again on the previous AI post but noooo, whenever I open it it just goes POOF! And disapears. It is far too early for this :(

  5. Over the xmas season this atheist plays lots of traditional highbrow xmas music such as Handel’s Messiah or the Bach Oratorio simply because it’s great music.

    Listenning to xmas music secularily is fine. And so far as I know it won’t risk the wrath of Dawkins passed to do so.

  6. Atheists give and receive gifts, “eat, drink and be merry,” visit family, and feel grateful/thankful just like everyone else does. We just don’t attribute the season to non-existent deities.

  7. @QuestionAuthority:

    Atheists give and receive gifts, “eat, drink and be merry,” visit family, and feel grateful/thankful just like everyone else does. We just don’t attribute the season to non-existent deities.


  8. @QuestionAuthority: Exactly! It’s a time to get together with family and exchange gifts (I’m all excited about the Ben Fold’s Way to Normal Deluxe album and toaster that I’m getting, woot woot), and to eat. And eat some more!

    Also it’s always fun at work. We’re having a pot luck and I’m going to attempt an apple pie, plus we’ve been raffling off prizes (charity stuff).

    Oh and it’s not summer in Arizona during the holidays. That’s the best part!

  9. And Thanksgiving is going to be awesome this year because me and a few friends are going to get all dressed up and go to a fancy steak house. Mmmm steak for thanksgiving!

  10. Regarding that witchcraft article – it states that in the witch hunting days in Europe, over a million women were killed for dabbling in the black arts. Kind of makes it sound like they actually were dabbling in the black arts (even though the black arts don’t work)…shouldn’t they have said “allegedly dabbling in the black arts”?

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