
Skepchick Quickies 4.4

Today’s quickies were all sent in by fellow skepchicks and readers. Thanks for making my Friday morning easy, guys! And a great bunch of links it is, too.

  • Booze, fat, and now coffee good for you– And this study says nothing about any application method other than oral.
  • Woman gives birth to her own kidney– If by giving birth you mean doctors went in through her vagina to get to the kidney. It’s a new form of surgery utilizing natural orifices for entry. Guys, don’t think you get off easy.
  • Rise in women doctors “worrying”– From the UK. The problem is that old male doctors are retiring and being replaced by young female doctors who are also bearing the brunt of child-rearing. So the obvious answer is to try and get more male doctors, since they can work full time and leave the kiddies with their wives, right?
  • Military scrubs deceased gay soldier’s Wikipedia entry– “…the late service member was hardly in the closet — he went out to clubs in DC with and even served for a time as treasurer for American Veterans for Equal Rights working to end DADT.”
  • US funded health search engine blocks “abortion”– “A U.S. government-funded medical information site that bills itself as the world’s largest database on reproductive health has quietly begun to block searches on the word “abortion,” concealing nearly 25,000 search results.”


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. “Military scrubs deceased gay soldier’s Wikipedia entry”

    One wonders why people still join what seems the most morally despicable institution in the country…

    “Rise in women doctors “worrying””
    Well… from a completely distant point of view, a full-time doctor being replaced by a part-time doctor is definatly a Bad Thing.

    “It’s a new form of surgery utilizing natural orifices for entry. Guys, don’t think you get off easy.”
    I’ll take the scar, thank you very much. In fact, leave it like it is now, it might get better by itself.

  2. I had the exact same reaction to that women doctors story as you did, Amanda. To that guy’s credit, he did say later in the article that society’s attitudes towards who bears the responsibility of child-rearing need to change – but he doesn’t seem to offer any details about how we should go about doing that.

  3. And this study says nothing about any application method other than oral.

    Show of hands: who else wondered what coffee had to do with oral sex?

    In my defence, I haven’t had mine yet this morning. (Either one.)

  4. (Raises hand)

    Although my brain was trying to tie booze, fat AND coffee together with the oral bit. Although now that I’m remembering the enema thing from the 4/1 Quickies, I think I preferred my initial confusion over the current mental picture I’m getting. *sigh*

  5. Now that I’ve read a story saying booze, caffeine and fat are all good, I’ll feel free to gorge myself on Irish coffee and cheeseburgers. Until another news story tells me these things are bad for me.

  6. I just read this:

    It looks like all the attention POPLINE has received from their decision to omit the term “abortion” from their search engine has been brought to the attention of the Dean of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who released the following statement:
    I was informed this morning that the word “abortion” was blocked as a search term in the POPLINE family planning database administered by the Bloomberg School’s Center for Communication Programs. POPLINE provides evidence-based information on reproductive health and family planning and is the world’s largest database on these issues.
    USAID, which funds POPLINE, found two items in the database related to abortion that did not fit POPLINE criteria. The agency then made an inquiry to POPLINE administrators. Following this inquiry, the POPLINE administrators at the Center for Communication Programs made the decision to restrict abortion as a search term.
    I could not disagree more strongly with this decision, and I have directed that the POPLINE administrators restore “abortion” as a search term immediately. I will also launch an inquiry to determine why this change occurred.
    The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health is dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and not its restriction.
    Michael J. Klag, MD, MPH
    Dean, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

  7. I am a guy and while I didn’t have a kidney removed through a certain orifice, I did have kidney stones removed, twice. What my doctor used was a laser on a fiber optic probe and went in (as she said) from “below”, break the stones into smaller pieces and flush them out. It was no big deal. She could have used a much larger laser if she had wanted to. There was plenty of room ;)

  8. That popline story is really exciting , and really points out that blogging CAN make a difference.

    It warms my little buggy heart :D

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