
Skepchick Quickies 6.12

On June 12, 1939, filming began for the movie Dr. Cyclops, which is notable for being the first horror movie filmed in Technicolor. (The director also directed King Kong.) Speaking of the “male gaze,” check out that movie poster, ack!

BONUS: Useful Phrases for the Surveillance State. (Hahaha “In A Relationship with America” killed me.) Also, Hodor! (From Andy.)




Mary Brock works as an Immunology scientist by day and takes care of a pink-loving princess child by night. She likes cloudy days, crafting, cooking, and Fall weather in New England.

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  1. Mary

    I wonder if Ingraham thinks the rapists will be less likely to get caught, if the girls they assault don’t get pregnant. I mean most of the time, they wouldn’t even care assuming they didn’t think it would increase they’re chances of getting caught. Chances are through, this isn’t going to effect the number of women and girls who are victims of rape anyway.

    1. Somehow I doubt that’s anywhere near being on her radar. I think she assumes that eliminating the pregnancy consequence of sex that there will be more men having sex with young girls.

    2. Perversely, it’s actually to the benefit of rapists if emergency contraception isn’t an option. Why? Well, fathering a child through rape doesn’t deny you parental rights (which really needs to be fixed yesterday. The fact that it hasn’t is one of the biggest pieces of evidence for rape culture imaginable). This means that if a fetus is conceived, and abortion isn’t an option, the rapist can use parental rights as a bargaining chip: If the rape survivor prosecutes, he’ll sue for parental rights and make her life a living hell. If she doesn’t prosecute, he’ll surrender parental rights and stay out of her life, and out of prison.

      Seriously screwed up, and on this issue, Ingraham is exactly, 180 degrees wrong.

  2. I’m tired of the Bumbling Dad trope in all its variations.
    If there’s one thing that enables me to empathize with a fraction of the crap women get every day, it’s the pervasive idea that I became an oaf and an ogre when I got married. Apparently walking down an aisle destroys my ability to cook, be near children, communicate with my wife or even change a light bulb without setting the house on fire.
    It also makes me wonder who is running this patriarchy thing, if it’s now making money off of making adult, white males look dumb. I’ll have to have a talk with the High Command.

    1. Yeah, but enforcing the trope gives those who want it a get out of household duties free card, therefore increasing the workload for their spouses and enforcing another trope which benefits them: women are better at unpaid labor, therefore we should be the ones to do that shit.

      1. Which is of course, ridiculous. Men are much more suited for cleaning dishes.
        1. I’m taller, so I can reach higher cabinets.
        2. My arms are stronger so I can scrub harder.
        3. Evolution even gave me a five o’clock shadow, the abrasiveness of which is perfect for scrubbing those really tough stains.

        1. “Evolution gave me a five o’clock shadow, the abrasiveness of which is perfect for scrubbing those really tough stains.”

          This is BRILLIANT. Why didn’t I think of trying that?

  3. Even worse with the father-daughter movies lately, the daughter is advertised as the protagonists when in fact she’s just device used to advance the father, grow his character as he busily argues over her with the love interest. This happened in Hotel Transylvania, to some extent, Epic, and I just didn’t bother going to see The Croods because the trailers looked like they did it as well.

    1. You must have watched very different TV shows than I did. The commercials for Hotel Transylvania that I saw were all about the dad, with the daughter barely mentioned except as another trial he is forced to comically endure. Do you have kids or watch a lot of kids TV shows? I wonder if they shifted the emphasis of the trailers based on the audience of the show.

  4. That NYT article on abortion was really interesting but one thing struck me. One of the reasons clinics could deny abortions was due to obesity, saying it would be too dangerous. Surely if an abortion is dangerous then wouldn’t carrying a baby to term be even more dangerous? Am I missing something?

  5. The racial history of drowning just brings back the imagery in Toni Morrison’s Sula for me. Very striking scenes of death by water.

  6. Ingraham says, “We don’t really know the effect of a spiking or dropping a little girl’s…hormones.”. Um… Laura, I don’t know if you know this, but here’s what REALLY spikes a little girl’s hormones: pregnancy.

  7. I must be the only person sympathetic to the MHRAs who isn’t bothered by the dufus dad trope. In most cases it is easily explained by the fact that the target market is children. The vast majority of authority figures in children’s media are flawed, dufusdom is only one. From what I remember form Harry Potter the only main adult main character who wasn’t substantially flawed was Prof. McGonagall.

    It seems to appeal to a large segment of grown women as well. Pride and Prejudice and it’s derivatives anyone>

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