
Skepchick Quickies 8.25


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. If Acohol didn’t taste horrible to me I’d try some pink beer. What harm can huge amounts of food colouring do :)

  2. I thionk the last one unessesarily takes the poss out of alternative therapies that work and privide a great service to peole in desperate need. My own theraputic precise frequency humming classes have helped many people by training them to hum at the precise frequencies that rezonate the tissues of the head and spontaniously create plathiorian pathways running from the back forcing energy to the front of your face and up your nose through the sinus network and out both ears.

    Having realesed that tension the tissuies function optimally without any kind of pathology.

      1. I wouldn’t joke about sending energy up someones nose and out their ears. and it only costs £750, but the results will last for 6 years so it’s quite cost effective.

      1. Yes when you hum you can reoproduce the benificial rezonent frequencies the body naturally tunes too and you know it’s doing you good because it feels good. You can do the same for your skin if you get in a jakuzzi but good rezonant humming effects the tissues in and around your brain, there’s no other way you cold physically effect that tissue without operating.

  3. Beer that doesn’t cause all the bloating may get a try in my book. Although, trying it would mean competing with my favorites, a tough competition. The big question is the taste. :) Paint beer pink, purple or blue, as long as it tastes good!

    1. Zima was an alternative to beer and wine. :) I remember drinking much of it during my fist college experience in the 90’s. If you have to add jolly ranchers to it to add flavor, then it must not be beer. :) All joking aside, Zima Yuck! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zima

      1. But originally it was marketed as clear beer; no joke.
        It is horrid but I know some who liked it.
        That’s what Mike’s Hard Lemonade is basically, and those drinks in bottles that the branding company (Smirnoff, Bacardi, Jack Daniel’s, etc.) hopes nobody notices doesn’t contain any of the company real product, and most wine coolers.They call the “premium malt beverages” but most taste like adulterated piss.
        To each their own I guess; I love Scotch but can’t stomach gin so what do I know. :)

  4. How about they show beer as something women might want to drink while enjoying themselves? that would be a radical advertising campaign.
    Why not have women drinking beer while scantily clad hot men wash cars and spray themselves playfully. I think I am on to something here.

    1. Don’t beer makers alienate most women and so cut there sales by 40%?

      No they don’t because they are a corperation with a range of brands for every demographic, even alcopops for kids.

      So they’re a kind of equal oportunities provider of chronic liver desease :)

  5. I can’t wait to see that documentary and I have “Bright-Sided” sitting on my desk right now. Pinkwashing drives me nuts and I even like pink! Just not on things like breast cancer. “Save the Boobies!” makes me seethe and heart disease is actually the number one killer of women, but there’s no movement for that.

    1. It’s the leading cause of death in women between 20 and 49. I like the save the boobies ad. It’s says you love them so care about them too. And the whole breast cancer pink movement is great solidarity comfort to many people who have breast cancer and face an uncertain future.

      1. No, it’s not actually. http://www.cdc.gov/women/lcod/

        Heart disease #1

        Saying “Save the Boobies” is ridiculous because how about save the woman? Women can and do live without their breasts. It just sexualizes a disease so that men will give a shit about it. And not all women receive comfort from pinkifying the very serious things they face. Did you even read the article?

        1. According to your link, by age group the top killer of women 25-34 is unintentional injury, followed by cancer. 35-44 is cancer followed by injury, and 45-64 are cancer followed by heart disease. Heart disease is the overall biggest cause, but does not become the biggest cause of death until the 65+ category.

          Now, cancer doesn’t necessarily mean “breast cancer,” but Blissed said the largest killer between 20-49, and your own link does not support your response that Blissed was wrong.

          “Save the boobies” is only a part of the Komen campaign. A bigger part is pointing out the strong women who are fighting or have beaten breast cancer. That’s the part I care about.

        2. Nikoel Blah de blah de blah go take a happy pill you need one.

          If not all are consoled by the pink thing then so what. Some are and that;’s all that matters it’s helped somerone. Rather that than get a hospital visit from you!! :) Lol Save the boobies is aimed at gynosexuals who don’t have breasts themselves and so is good up beat out reach with a twist in the caharities direction in a subject that very sad and gets the money in.

          Of course people relate breast cancer with saving lives but early detection can save breasts too and they’re a part of many womans sexuality, a sexuality where they;re aroused by being desired, an experience you seem to be devaluing with the term “just” sexualise and losing them can be traumatic. Sexuality is valuable you don’y “just” sexualise something, be tolerant of other peoples sexuality that are different to yours. An get a holiday or somthing :)

          1. SAlso I think your also saying only men are gynosexual as well as conforming to the monotheastic social meme that both expressions of Androsexuality and gynosexuality arte degrading. When in fact we should all respect each others sexuality.

          2. Why on earth should she listen to you when you’ve clearly ignored everything she’s said and then insulted her?

            You are completely missing the point about the sexualization of breast cancer support. By turning it into “Save the Boobies!” we are reducing women and their sexuality to whether or not they have breasts. What about all the women who lose their breast(s) to cancer but still have their lives? Have we then lost the battle because the boobies are gone? Do we really want to make it sound like we don’t care about these women’s experiences because they didn’t make it through cancer with their breasts?

            Now stop ranting disjointedly about sexuality and go read this article about the how pinkwashing is detrimental: http://www.alternet.org/reproductivejustice/144320/ehrenreich:_the_pink-ribbon_breast_cancer_cult/

          3. Amanda I didn’t ignore everything she said I answered her points, Something you have arrogantly referred to as ranting. in a rant of your own, I think your both completely miserable and arrogant people who don’t listen, because your archaic one dimensional view of sexuality and gender. Your not discussing or setting any positive solutions your just bullying unpleasantly silly propositions like do we really want to make it sound like we don’t care about these women’s experiences because they didn’t make it through cancer with their breasts. My mum is one of those people and of course we don’t and this ad doesn’t do that, it’s part of a broad campaign for charity that cares. It’s an outreach commercial aimed at gynosexuals that twists at the end to reveal the breast cancer charity, now lighten up and reintroduce yourself to bit of common sense.

          4. Well I think your bad karma has been returned. It doen’t feel good does it. and it didn’t feel good when I had it. I’m prepared to talkabout this subject if we’re all civil . I’ll admit I did over react a ittle (with the blah de blah) because this is close to my own experience with both with my mum and one of my friends. So I aplogise for that, and any reply I make will be after I’ve waited to calm down. But the points I/m making are sound and pertinent.

          5. Amanda I thnik the article is vety cynical. Where I am in England my experience of breast cancer awareness is just about breast cancer awareness. It doesn’t and shouldn’t obscure other femiinist issues like abortion rights and if it ever does that’s not the fault of the breast cancer awareness campaign but those who use it manipulatively.

          6. Your both equating gynosexual attraction with evil. and “It just sexualizes a disease so that men will give a shit about it.” that all gynosexuals are male. and that the only reason men wold care about it is because of this ad. If a similar ad about testicular cancer would get the attention of androsexuals, that doesn’t mean that’s the only way women would care about it. Your negative view of sexuality is at the heart of your objection.

          7. Yep, that’s it exactly. I don’t think that advertising should portray a woman’s entire worth and sexuality as her breasts, so that means I hate men and sexuality. You got me.

          8. I’m not saying you hate men, just that you’ve suffered from a society that values the way women look above who they are. The person in the ad has a life and her own views and if I found who she is and it turns out she was unhappy with it, I would be too. I value sexuality as a wonderful part of who someone is, giving kudos to them and respecting their ownership of it. so I see in the ad a celebration of breasts as a wonderful part of sexuality ,which is a wonderful part of who someone is. That’s sexual positivity. and from this point of view the notion that thinking if someone looks good by a narrow definition of beauty, that’s the only way they’re granted worth and validity is awful. To me it’s obvious they already have worth and validity. Both sexes suffer from this problem but for women our culture makes it much more acute and if you’ve had to fight against this awful notion all your life. I can see where your coming from.

          9. I know I’m an idealist who sometimes needs to be realistic, but if you don’t have ideals you can’t change reality.

          10. “Nikoel Blah de blah de blah go take a happy pill you need one.”

            Really? You thought that was appropriate. Wow.

          11. Beardo I don’t harbour any ill feeling towards you. If someone has a different view to you it doesn’t mean they’re telling you what to think.

          12. You don’t have to ignore my posts I’m not posting after the quickies 8.26. I’m not going to stay and inadvertantly tormwent you when it seems societies disrespect for you has hurt you already.

          13. But it would be nice if you could consider my point of view. The current concept of sex is as self gratifying abuse, but sexual attraction can equal wanting to give love to someone and satisfy them. When that feeling is mutual that is sexual love.

    2. Clearly I’m late to this party, but there is a movement for heart disease in women. It’s called the red dress campaign: http://www.goredforwomen.org/
      If you harve a female doc who wears a white coat, chances are good she’s wearing a red dress piece of flare. Just FYI.

    1. Oh, that’s sad, there are some damn fine pink wines out there. I love dry rose wines, they tend to be deliciously complex for their price.

  6. Pink beer marketed to women? I expect nothing less from Coors. Next week: watermelon beer.

        1. Boston beer works has a good watermelon beer too. But nothing beats the blueberry beer there.

      1. Oh. My. Nikoel, can I just trust you that “Hell or High Watermelon” doesn’t taste like something puked up by a miniature poodle? I barely survived a bad cherry lambic night last year. Fruity beers scare me now.

        Even, displacednortherner, the BBW blueberry which used to put me in a happy place. But I’m still on good terms with their Fenway Red.

    1. I liked Kriek when I was in Belgium, that’s kinda pink and certainly legitimate. (If the Belgians are drinking it, it’s got to be legit, right?) Then there’s Radler in Germany. Neither pander and both are “non-beer drinker” friendly, I’m kind of disappointed that they haven’t made it to the States.

      1. Well, yes, but kriek is *supposed* be pink, since it’s made with cherries. It isn’t some abominable piss of a beer that’s been dyed pink to try and appeal to women.

        My favorite legitimately pink beer is no longer being brewed. RIP Smuttynose Hanami

          1. I’m actually not sure that helps much.
            The article shows that it was almost certainly not pinkwashing but rather far more cynical.
            This is, after all, the same company that brought you Zima; that was suposed to get women into the “malted-beverage” market and it was vile.
            Besides, I could totally go for that sweet-looking pink bottle, it would just have to have something worth drinking inside it.

          2. @ mrmisconception: Market segmentation can be viewed as good or bad, there is a debate. With that said, I totally fell for the Zima pitch in the 90’s until my tastes buds started working! Then there was the Cosmopolitan’s with the popularity of the drink from Sex and the City. What can I say, I fell for all the advertising in the 90’s! As for the pink bottle, I agree, put something tasty in it.

        1. Smuttynose Hanami is a whole lot past pink in my experience. But the label had a lot of pink in it. I thought it was seasonal (it was) so it would only be available in or shortly after Spring. But I see you are correct.

          From http://smuttynose.blogspot.com/2011/02/few-of-you-may-be-missing-something.html
          Hanami Ale, our spring seasonal release, has been discontinued.

          Yet another case of things I like that are not big sellers.

          You know, Amanda, it is not too difficult the make good beer. The logistics for making really good beer are more complicated, but well within the reach of any scientifically oriented thinking person.

          1. Sad to see it go, since it was such a unique flavor.

            I’m not the brewer in my household, but I get to reap the benefits of my partner’s hobby. Right now there’s a lovely honey basil pale homebrew in my fridge.

  7. I occasionally humm when I drink beer. And now that I think about it, some beer may have gone up my nose and out my ears a few times when I was in college.

  8. I think pink is seen as a trivial color because it’s associated with women and girls, and general society views women and girls as, well trivial. If it were any other color that was associated with females, say yellow, well then that would be the color of frivolity. Methinks we will continue to see this happen until women are taken seriously in every facet of society. ( however, If pink is really causing a problem for breast cancer related programs, I say scrap it).

    Frankly, I like pink. It’s my favorite color, and my laptop is sitting atop a pink cooling pad right now, and I’m drinking from my favorite pink cup, and my nails are made up in pink. I most certainly don’t feel childish or trivial or vapid, and why should I? For expressing myself ?

    If anything, I think I will continue to pinkify my life. People already think I’m dumb because I’m an ethnic minority anyway, and will probably think I’m vapid because I have big boobs, and won’t take me seriously because I happen to posses two X chromosomes.

    Seriously? At this point, what difference is a bit of pink, which makes me happy, going to make? If anything, assuming people will get to know me, not denying my pinkness will probably teach folks that being pink and smart/serious/etc are not mutually exclusive characteristics. Also, I think more guys should wear pink, some act is if this hue is infested with cooties sometimes. ;)

    Anyway, if I have learned anything from the film “Legally Blonde” it is to never judge a book by it’s cover, and orange is not the new pink. ;)

    1. Exactly, pink ain’t nothin’ but a color.
      My favorite color happens to be purple; not exactly considered a manly color but that’s just too damned bad.
      The one thing in the article that kind of rubbed me the wrong way was saying that Ford making a Fiesta in pink (it’s actually a dark magenta) was seen as marketing to women; bullshit, they also make the Fiesta in a lime green, and blaze yellow, and bright blue. I actually would have loved the magenta one (as seen on Being Erica) if it were still available. It is marketing to youth not women, Ford is hardly alone you can get the Dodge Challenger in “furious fuchsia” which parallels the neon colors that were available on the original Challenger back in the early 70s.
      Now that I have starting sounding like a viral marketer I’ll be off.

    2. Exactly. I wish pink could just be a color, too, instead of a default display of either girliness or being so manly you can handle wearing pink.

      I am, frankly, not comfortable wearing much pink because as a short, young (and younger looking) blonde woman I get treated like an idiot a lot. It’s easier to convey my brainy bitchiness in somber, grown up colors so that’s what I tend towards.

  9. OK everyone in this thread get s a free theraputic precise frequency gargling class worth £120 (pink beer included) :)

  10. Yay pink malt liquor! I mean BOO!! pink malt liquor. Not that a reddish beer is bad, but pandering condescension is pretty crappy. “Ooh, women will drink crap if we make it pink!” I sometimes drink beers that are, if not pink, at least sort of a very light red. You know, from the beet juice…

    My wife is sick of the whole “breast cancer awareness” thing, and the pink nonsense is just poo icing on a crap cake for her.

  11. If someone dyes my beer pink, I’ll have to hurt them.
    Recently, I heard some announcement about phytoestrogens in beer. I’m wondering if this might be a crazed attempt to corner the female market before men panic and hit the whiskey aisle instead. Anyone know any more about the research?

  12. I tend to choose pinkish food and drinks for the same reason I would choose a rainbow cake over a vanilla cake, even though they are the same, one just has a lot more food dye: Novelty factor. YAY I’m eating rainbows!

    Also, mrmisconception,

    My boyfriend’s favorite color is purple, you are in good company.

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