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Will David Tennant just marry me already?

Sorry for the many consecutive posts, but I just found out that the Doctor Who star is openly trashing astrology and I wanted you all to know so you’re not surprised when the wedding is announced.

Rebecca Watson

Rebecca is a writer, speaker, YouTube personality, and unrepentant science nerd. In addition to founding and continuing to run Skepchick, she hosts Quiz-o-Tron, a monthly science-themed quiz show and podcast that pits comedians against nerds. There is an asteroid named in her honor. Twitter @rebeccawatson Mastodon mstdn.social/@rebeccawatson Instagram @actuallyrebeccawatson TikTok @actuallyrebeccawatson YouTube @rebeccawatson BlueSky @rebeccawatson.bsky.social

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  1. I’m so happy for you. I’ve polished your custom crystal Dalek candle holders, thought they’d be a perfect wedding present, and I’m awaiting the announcement of a date and my invitation to the reception. Don’t be fooled, the Dalek’s only look like a remote control orgasmatron…


  2. I am a professional musician and I will play the piano for your wedding for free and pay for my own transportation and lodging and buy you a lovely present, if I can just be there to gaze at him. I promise I won't even talk to him because I'd probably revert to my 13-year-old self and blush and giggle.

    *happy sigh* Geek sci-fi TV, that mischeivous grin, AND he has a brain … natural selection at its best!

  3. This from the guy who only managed to defeat The Master because everyone on Earth “believed in him.”

    Though to be fair, The Doctor had actual technology backing it up. He wasn't just a fan of "The Secret".

  4. Though to be fair, The Doctor had actual technology backing it up. He wasn’t just a fan of “The Secret”.

    It was still a deus ex machina moment.

  5. It was still a deus ex machina moment.

    Ah, I see. The complaint is about the *storytelling*. I was barking up the wrong tree. My mistake.

    (Can't say it really bothered me much…)

  6. Urg, journalism:

    Doctor Who may travel the universe but the star who plays him has branded astrology 'absolute nonsense'.

    What's that "but" doing in there? Like traveling the universe would more likely to believe in astrology? What the hell?

  7. Ah, I see. The complaint is about the *storytelling*. I was barking up the wrong tree. My mistake.

    Yeah. It didn't bother me much either, and actors don't typically have that much control over that particular aspect. Nonetheless, I takes me wise cracks wheres I can gets 'em.

    Off topic, I think that some posts that I've commented on are loading slowly, because somebody's Web server is down, and the WordPress software is timing out trying to fetch their favicon. Sorry about that. I'm in the middle of moving. I'll hook the server up as soon as I get home.

  8. Off topic, I think that some posts that I’ve commented on are loading slowly, because somebody’s Web server is down, and the WordPress software is timing out trying to fetch their favicon. Sorry about that. I’m in the middle of moving. I’ll hook the server up as soon as I get home.

    Ooh, no need. Thanks for the heads up, I've actually now disabled the option that tells the blog to grab favicons. Nice. Now, let's all get back to drooling over David Tennant.

  9. Here's a thought-provoking quote from David Tennant, this one from the British chat show "Parkinson":

    "You go into a supermarket and your face is on a cake. And the other day … I got sent … there are now underpants with my face on them. And that's not a sentence I ever thought I'd ever say on National Television … you can now have … my face on your crotch!"

    Whew. How's THAT for an image …

  10. Now, let’s all get back to drooling over David Tennant.


    Seriously, my list of guys I would go gay for is pretty short, but you know he's on it.

    If you invite me to the wedding, I'll bring my Doctor Who Operation to the reception.

  11. I can't read a blog post about drooling over David Tennant without throwing in my own token "I'm straight, but…" comment. Because, I am, but I totally would.

  12. hey, rebecca–maybe we can work out a time share deal or something ;)

    ah, david tennant…what a gorgeous bit of lanky scotsman…and that mouth! seriously…it has to be one of the sexiest objects in the known universe. am i wrong?

  13. eccleston is very sexy as well, and he's an atheist. anyone who hasn't seen "the second coming" should watch it right now.

  14. David Tennant is full of so much awesome that even being a guy, I would marry him. He’s that freakin’ cool.

    Yeah, I agree.

    Now, if Freema Ageyma would say something similar, I'd be looking to marry her.

  15. I don't care WHO wants to marry me– Just so long as s/he is a critically ill billionnaire, I'll be happy.

  16. they may be thin, but watch his mouth for awhile…they're amazingly dextrous. it makes me think of very naughty things. especially in "blackpool" when he is constantly eating various foods in a very seductive manner….i'm helpless.

  17. I’d also be much happier to turn gay for Eccleston. Tennant’s a bit chinless for my tastes.

    I definitely have a man-crush on Eccleston.

    Though I think most man-crushes are less a matter of looks than a perception of coolness. Eccleston just exudes coolness.

  18. Now, if Freema Ageyma would say something similar, I’d be looking to marry her.

    She is very pretty, but it's Billie Piper who really brought out the dirty old man in me.

    Well, this has pretty much turned into the "Which Doctor Who stars would you do?" thread hasn't it?

  19. Well, this has pretty much turned into the “Which Doctor Who stars would you do?” thread hasn’t it?

    Well, this is really more Torchwood, so I don't know if that counts, but did anyone else catch that John Barrowman/James Marsters make out session? Because…. well… I'm searching for something even remotely classy to say, and it's not going well, so I'll settle for "where do I sign up to be the meat in THAT sandwich!"

    No, really… where?

  20. Well, this has pretty much turned into the “Which Doctor Who stars would you do?” thread hasn’t it?

    I don't see a litany of complaints. ;)

    (And I do have to admit that while Tennant's probably my favorite, I wouldn't say no to hanging out with Eccleston on a Friday night with an offbeat movie and a well-stocked bar.)

  21. Kellbelle: Since you mention Torchwood, I have to say that I wouldn't mind having a go with Ianto. ;) Although, to be more in the spirit of the show, maybe that should be a three-way with him and Gwen.

    (What's wrong with me? Why do I find those bloody Welsh accents so sexy?)

  22. I've found myself unable to keep up with Dr. Who (OR Torchwood for that matter).

    But Billie Piper is a definite yes.

  23. I don’t see a litany of complaints.

    It all has a certain air of inevitability really.

    I rather though Indra Varma was emminently fanciable.


    Even if she did play a baddie.

    What do you mean "even if"? That's a plus, not a minus.

  24. um, i think if you'll get him a little bit tipsy he'll let slip that he's planning on asking me to marry him, thank you very much. you may all commence weeping now.

  25. i also here that there was a bit of a row on the set between Freema Agyeman and David over me. they did a pretty good job of keeping it a secret and got them to patch it up… mostly.

  26. To be rather obvious: Carey “Sally Sparrow” Mulligan… *sigh*

    Nothing wrong with obvious. Well played, sir.

  27. To be rather obvious: Carey “Sally Sparrow” Mulligan… *sigh*

    I had to google her name, because IMDB has no pictures. I still can't really say for sure though …

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