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Back in Boston!

Where to start? I’m back from the Amazing Adventure 2 in Alaska, and I’m beat. I had an absolute blast hanging out with old friends and meeting some pretty wonderful new ones, with a dash of skepticism thrown in for fun.

Since I last posted, on Friday our merry crew of skeptics stopped at Icy Strait Point, a totally made-up “destination” with a very pretty beach and wooded path but more importantly “up to 13 retail locations!” Friday night we had a formal dress night, and I have to say that skeptics (and most other people for that matter) look damned sexy all dolled up.

Then on Saturday we had a nice long day at sea, during which time we actually saw some sunshine, plus orcas and porpoises as we sailed past Vancouver Island. Saturday was also the day I gave my talk, all about the weird and paranormal things we’d seen on our Alaskan vacation. I think the highlight was my artfully rendered drawing of Hal Bidlack.

Saturday night I ran a fun game in which people had to match JREF cruisers to their particular strange facts. You people are very weird. Spending time in a Spanish jail? Appearing on TV as Phantom of the Opera? Good times!

Sunday was disembarking, which took forever but at least I spent the time with Randi and a bunch of other skeptics. Once off the boat, five of us piled into a stretch limo to go to a little post-cruise party for a few hours before I had to catch my red-eye out of Vancouver. The flight was awful awful awful, but we don’t need to go there. It was a really wonderful, awe-inspiring trip to Alaska overall, and so good that it couldn’t even be ruined by a screaming baby and a middle seat on a packed jet for six hours.
I’m uploading some photos to Flickr right now, since it’s a pretty mindless thing I can do while attempting to regain control of my faculties. Hopefully I’ll get all my favorites uploaded today. Here are some showing each of the speakers:

Interviewing Phil

I’m asking Phil Plait about a rainbow we’re watching off the port side.

Formal Magic with Jeff

I told Jeff Wagg at the outset, “I’m not doing magic on Magic Night.” He agreed but gave puppy dog eyes because he needed more magical things to happen. I had another martini and finally grabbed the deck. To get back at Jeff, my first bit was a sucker trick performed on him, which got him hook line and sinker. The highlight of my week: Randi laughing and saying he’d have to add that one to his repertoire.
Formal Drama Pic

I’m sure I have no less than 30 photos of Richard Saunders and I mugging for the camera. Most poses were either the traditional Skepchick pose (above, right), the traditional Aussie stare (above, left), or “wistful.”
Randi is smiling!

Randi and I on our last formal night. Aww. I got a ton of quality Randi time in on this trip, having breakfast with him every day and hearing a ton of trademarked Amazing Randi Stories.

Randi, me, and Richard on the panel

Here we are during one of the panel discussions, which went very well I think. It was a relatively small crowd compared to TAM, so it allowed a bit more interaction with the audience than usual.

Hal is sweet on Richard

I can’t find a photo of Hal and me, so here’s one of him and Richard snuggling on the deck. Aww!

Oh, and there were also some glaciers and whatnot.

Rebecca Watson

Rebecca is a writer, speaker, YouTube personality, and unrepentant science nerd. In addition to founding and continuing to run Skepchick, she hosts Quiz-o-Tron, a monthly science-themed quiz show and podcast that pits comedians against nerds. There is an asteroid named in her honor. Twitter @rebeccawatson Mastodon Instagram @actuallyrebeccawatson TikTok @actuallyrebeccawatson YouTube @rebeccawatson BlueSky

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  1. I'm so jealous! I was overbooked this year as it was, so there was no way I could make this trip. But still, I'm very jealous.

  2. good thing you didn't run into these people that I hear were in Alaska the same time you were.

    Yeah, don't mention your cabin mate and see what happens?

  3. I was up there in Alaska a few years ago on a cruise with my wife. It sounds like you had the same weather I had. Rainy and cloudy. Did you see any whale's? The coolest thing to see up there was the glacier. I could have watched it all day. Glad you had a good time Rebecca.

  4. I would like to put in that we ALL fell madly in love with Richard. He was the best. Like Rebecca I was so sad that he lives to far away because in just a short amount of time I felt like he was an old and dear friend. The last night I ate at his table at dinner, and he was saying "Kitty when are YOU coming to Australia?" He won us all over with his charm, his accent, and his sense of FUN. Did I also say he's very SMART?

    And does origami. No end to his talent and it was wonderful to make a new friend.

  5. About time the JREF gang came here :) Thanks for the fun times on the cruise. I even interviewed Rebacca for my podcast… I'll make you all origami on Bondi Beach.

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