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Bad Astronomy Gets Surly

If you guys don’t already know, I am working on a project with the Bad Astronomer to help raise money for cancer research! I am making 200 limited edition Surly-Bad Astronomy necklaces and donating half the money to the American Cancer Society. Bad Surly 1We are joining forces with Maria’s fundraiser and we will announce the total money raised at the Star Party in Atlanta. You may have read this earlier post by Phil HERE. Since that post went up we have raised $900 towards our $2,000 goal! That is pretty awesome! I just completed the final 100 necklaces and I have started posting them here in my etsy shop. Man my wrist is tired from painting that many Surlies and I think I might be permanently cross-eyed now but that wont stop me! I will keep at it and continue to post the Bad-Surlies over then next few days.

If you would like to learn more about the cause and why we are doing this project please click the ‘more’ link below. Hooray for art and science!

Oh and speaking of art and science merging together for a greater good check out this FANTASTIC photo inspired by this project sent in by Brian George and Kelly Savage. Awesome. Thanks guys!
Bad Astronomy Surly-Ramics

As an artist I find myself continually inspired by the sciences. Astronomy being one of my favorite branches of scientific research. Our place in a vast complex and often mysterious universe fills me with awe and joy and endless fascination. What lies beyond is even more fascinating and is an endless source of awe and inspiration. Space and all that dwells within is fuel for my artistic endeavors.

One of my all time favorite science and astronomy blogs where I find much of this inspired knowledge is Bad Astronomy Bad Surly 2written by the author of, Death From The Skies. Lucky for me author, blogger and soon to be TV superhero, Dr. Philip Plait is familiar with my artwork and recently we got a chance to discuss each others work. We decided it would be neat to work together on a project that might just make our itty-bitty section of the universe a little bit better. Our idea was to combine Bad Astronomy and Surly-Ramics together to raise money for the American Cancer society!

Over the next few months I will be creating a limited edition number of Bad Astronomy space inspired Surly necklaces like you see here. Each one will be hand formed and hand painted. Each one will be unique from one another and they will hopefully end up as collectors items! Limited edition means I will not make more than 200 necklaces. Once they are gone they are gone for good. And for every necklace that sells we will donate 50% of the proceeds to the American Cancer Society. Bad Surly 3Our goal is to raise $2,000 that we will donate in the name of Jeff Medkeff, a wonderful astronomer and friend to Phil (and to many skeptics and science enthusiasts) who unfortunately passed away due to cancer just over a year ago.

We all know people who have been struck by this disease. And we all can give just a little to fight it. Every penny counts. Every necklace counts. Thank you ahead of time for your support. Together with your help art and science can make a difference!

We will announce the total amount of money raised at the Star Party in Atlanta on September 2nd.

Amy Roth

Amy Davis Roth (aka Surly Amy) is a multimedia, science-loving artist who resides in Los Angeles, California. She makes Surly-Ramics and is currently in love with pottery. Daily maker of art and leader of Mad Art Lab. Support her on Patreon. Tip Jar is here.

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  1. I just got my Surlyramics Bad Astronomy necklace in the mail the other day, and I love it! It gets a lot more questions than my other Surlys, because it’s a lot more obscure, but that’s great because it gives me a chance to tell people about Phil Plait, without it being terribly awkward. They still nod politely at me and sort of tune me out like they usually do when I start talking about science, but with 32% less awkwardness! Thanks, Amy!

  2. @Amy: So you weren’t kidding?! My face is on Skepchick! Weeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
    We love our new Surly and since I won’t fight Kelly for it, we share. Just like in the picture.
    But I wore it all day on my birthday. No sharing. It was MY birthday.

  3. Amy, I got mine a few days ago in the mail, and I love it. I am in fact wearing it now, and it has become one of my favorite pieces of jewelry.

    I read about this on Bad Astronomy, and ordered one of the necklaces immediately.

    I lost my father to cancer, and I think it is important to support in any way we can both the research but also the people who are suffering from this disease, their loved ones, and any group offering care and support to those people.

    Thank you, for your wonderful idea, both to you, Amy, and to Phil Plait.

  4. Arrived this morning (3 days from LA !) Big hit at my skeptics book club this afternoon. Fortunately no one tried to remove my head to steal it.

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