
Skepchick Quickies 4.22

  • Evo Morales blasts genetically modified food and links it to homosexuality – “Bolivian President Evo Morales said Tuesday that men should stay away from chicken if they want to maintain their hair and virility.” From Andrés.
  • The anatomy of desire – “The two mannequins stood side by side in the back of the white van. Johan Karremans, a psychologist at Radboud University in the Netherlands, along with his student and collaborator, Sander Arons, clothed the plastic women identically in tight black tops and dark skirts. Arons then drove the van around the country to the homes of blind men.” Creepiest article intro ever? From Butch.
  • Cupp skips the facts in arguing against evolution – From Sam: “Is evolution all about “Christianity and the liberal media’s attempt to eradicate it”? So claims Fox pundit S.E. Cupp in her new book, “Losing Our Religion: The Liberal Media’s Attack on Christianity”. The Washington Post asked the NCSE’s Josh Rosenau to dissect Cupp’s wonky and distorted take on evolution.”
  • New Age terrorist develops homeopathic bomb – “The H2O-bomb has been developed by the radical New Age group, The Axis of Aquarius.” From Ben.


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. Cupp is supposedly an atheist. I don’t know anything about her besides what’s in her bio and the linked piece, but I do wonder how an atheist, who presumably doesn’t believe God created the universe, comes to the conclusion that scientific fact is an anti-Christian conspiracy.

    I suppose it’s possible her public atheism is just a put-on, or maybe she’s just an useful idiot, after all, she apparently asserts that respect Judeo-Christian values “keep [her] moral.”

    Whatever the truth, the whole thing is deeply weird, and I suspect we’re missing important parts of the story. Anyone able to provide insight on this?

  2. maybe she’s just an useful idiot

    Perfect description. I’m sure Hannity, O’Reilly, Kristol and the rest are laughing over this very sentiment.

  3. Evo Morales – Sad that someone so ignorant is in charge of a country in the 21st century.

    Mannequin Sex – That was one of the most painful articles I have ever read. Signal to noise ratio 1:1000. Paid by the word?

    Cupp is a crafty opportunist, and will say/write anything to make a buck. She is either lying about being an atheist, or she is lying when she champions creationism over evolution (I suspect the latter).

    Homeopathic bombs – How long before home versions are sold at Boots?

  4. @marilove: I wish. Unfortunately, most of them are NOT morons, but instead, clever and ruthless to an extreme. They knowingly use lies to incite anger and violence.

  5. @DataJack: Meh. Just because you can manipulate and bullshit doesn’t mean you’re intelligent. I mean stupid people get PhDs all the time. Also, “knowingly use lies” isn’t the same thing as “smart” or “clever”.

    I just don’t get the feeling she’s all that smart. Just a good bullshitter. But not REALLY that good, since there are a million fucking holes in her arguments. She’s juuuuust smart enough to know that people who are dumber than she is will fall for her b.s.

  6. @evil_bender: Yeah, that “an avowed atheist” comment really threw me for a loop. I’m afraid to go to sleep now, because if that’s what an avowed atheist thinks, then I might wake up an avowed right-wing religious nut.

  7. :: insert long rant about the fiction of the “liberal media” that has achieved the same kind of status as any other myth one would care to name ::

  8. The guys with the mannequins also took children into their van to measure their brain waves. Are the brain waves of children who go into this van typical?

  9. What I don’t get is why they’re only going after evolution. Why not also target gerontologists as anti-Christian? Their research into aging and lifespans contradicts the Biblical stories of people living 150 years or more. And then there’s the old favorite of astronomy – was it “Star Wars” or the moon landing that suddenly lets people accept a heliocentric solar system instead of what the Bible says?

  10. There were atheists before Darwin, so it’s not impossible. I guess it was enough for them to say, “We don’t know how life came to be the way it is, but the God hypothesis still doesn’t look good.”

  11. Haven’t they got it the wrong way around for the homeopathic bomb? Surely they need to take an explosion-suppressant and dilute it to nothing.

    I couldn’t read the chicken story (broken link for me) but there *might* be some point to it. I remember 25-30 years ago there was a scandal in Portugal where chicken farms had been using large does of estrogens to accelerate the growth of the birds, resulting in men who ate lots of chicken growing breasts.

  12. “I couldn’t read the chicken story (broken link for me) but there *might* be some point to it. I remember 25-30 years ago there was a scandal in Portugal where chicken farms had been using large does of estrogens to accelerate the growth of the birds, resulting in men who ate lots of chicken growing breasts.”

    Well you are what you eat.

  13. Is it just me or do you guys find it weird that someone would link homosexuality and virility? I don’t have a perfect command of the english language but we have a similar word in portuguese and I would say it’s the opposite of ‘impotence’ not ‘homosexuality’.It is a big difference, since I don’t think gay guys have more impotence problems than the rest of the population. And the weird thing is, from what I’ve read I had the impression that who made this assumption (that gay is an antonym of viril) was not Morales, but the journalist! Can anyone help me with this?

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