Quickies: Indigenous stories help to understand earthquakes, the story behind backlogged rape kits, and comedy’s gender problem
- Understanding the Pacific’s earthquakes through indigenous stories – “For the same 10,000-plus years that the Pacific Northwest has been having the earthquakes, indigenous groups have been living there. They have known forever that what the ground did was sudden and violent, that it came accompanied with catastrophic floods, and that it made people die. The questions for us, living in the present, are obvious. What was it like?” From Will.
- Money isn’t the only reason police have ignored 80,000 rape kits – “Getting evidence from sexual assaults properly tested and processed is an undoubtedly an important part of the criminal justice system. But fully processed kits are not a magic bullet to putting rapists in jail, and they certainly don’t make amends to victims who have been poorly treated and their cases ignored.”
- Trevor Noah doesn’t understand comedy’s gender problem – From Criticaldragon1177.
- Top 10 things I learned from reviewing Richard Dawkins – From Will.