Georgia – it’s not just for creationists anymore!
Woo hoo people! Lots of very cool skeptical stuff happening in Atlanta and aren’t you lucky to have your own resident Atlanta Skepchick keep you informed. Read all about it – even if you don’t live in Atlanta, it’s worth checking out because there’s Dragon*Con coming up, which is worth a trip!
First of all, next weekend. All skepticism all the time. Saturday, July 12 – Skeptics in the Pub. Coordinated by Cleon (who some of you may remember from A’s post about TAM or as my Jew-on-the-Spot from my Renaissance Festival post), Skeptics in the Pub is an informal gathering of skeptics in the Atlanta area. I have it on good authority that at least half of the Skepticality gang will be there. It’s at Manuel’s Tavern and should start around 7. should start around 6.
Update: As an added bonus, the skeptical stars have aligned even more next weekend and PZ Myers himself will also be at Manuel’s Saturday night. Skeptics in the Pub – Special Tentacled Edition! :) We’ve moved the time to 6 p.m. to coordinate.
Sunday, July 13 – Lori Lipman Brown is going to be speaking in Smyrna with the Atlanta Freethought Society. A great opportunity to listen to, plus meet and greet with Lori, who is a lobbyist for the Secular Coalition of America and a very cool person.
But that’s not all! Check out all the other cool Atlanta stuff happening below the fold.
First, Dragon*Con. Three days of skeptical goodness, plus stormtroopers and klingons! This is the first year that Dragon*Con will have a dedicated track on skepticism. James Randi! Phil Plait! Michael Shermer! Alison Smith! Oh yeah, baby, it’s going to rock. People are already calling it TAM 6.25. So if you weren’t able to get to TAM or, if you were at TAM and are missing it, this is your opportunity. See all the details here. I’ll be volunteering with Skeptrack, plus, stay tuned here, we’ll have some Skepchicks coming in from out of town and I’m sure there will be some extra-curricular partying going on.
Second, I just found out that some folks have started an Atlanta Science Tavern gathering. They had one meeting (that I missed, darn it!) but here’s their information. I’ll be keeping an eye on them and will let you know when the next meeting is going to be.
So, my fellow Atlantans, no more complaining about living in the south and not getting any skeptical activities in the area. For the next few months are truly chock full. I’ll be taking full advantage of it, and I expect you all to do the same. Hope to see you there!
Atlanta is a cool city. I wish more bug conventions would happen there….
We’re stuck in Reno again this year.
Sadly, I think I shall have to bow out again. As much fun as DragonCon is, I simply can’t spare the funds at this time. I’ll miss you all, harbor undying feelings of hate and jealousy, and issue the same offer as I did for TAM.
Also worth noting that on Saturday, PZ Myers will be at Manuel’s starting at 6 for ATL-Pharyngufest.
Is anyone going coming from Florida? I’m in Jacksonville… I wanna go… :[
Also worth noting that on Saturday, PZ Myers will be at Manuel’s starting at 6 for ATL-Pharyngufest.
Yes, I just found that out last night after I posted this. So we’ll probably be combining parties. Next weekend is All-Skeptics-All-The-Time-Plus-Now-With-Extra-Tentacles! :)
I think both me AND Swoopy will be at the Skeptics in the pub. Since, as you know, we figured we’d all run over after the Dragon*Con Staff meeting together. :)
I think both me AND Swoopy will be at the Skeptics in the pub. Since, as you know, we figured we’d all run over after the Dragon*Con Staff meeting together.
Awes0me. This should be a lot of fun!
Ya! And… today I just made a bunch of clean-ups and additions to the Skeptrack schedule. :)
How late do you guys stay at Manny’s?
I have a show that night, and won’t get out until after 10:30.
The past couple times we did the get-together, it lasted until around 9:30pm or so, if I remember right. But, never know this time with all the new people coming. :)
Cool, I’ll swing by after my show and see if anybody’s still there.
Rats! I really had hoped to go to this (tonight) but forgot all about it. Is there a calendar we can subscribe to?