
Skepchick Quickies 2.29

Happy leap day!


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. Sweet – I live in one of the most lustful cities. And envious, which doesn't make much sense, unless portion of the population is envious of the sex the other portion is having.

  2. Happy leap day! –

    events, births and deaths

    Vaccinating Boys for Girls’ Sake — common sence if it was the other way around and there was a vaccine Girls could take to prevent the transmission of Testicular Cancer in Boys would people object?

    Jezebel writes about eating disorders amongst Orthodox Jewish women.– wow they can team up with the "Jesus says, “No fatties”" people , Emeril Lagasse must be Satan!

    Do you live in one of America’s most sinful cities? #1 in Gluttony is Memphis Tennessee, Hey, you sinners! watch out for crazy Christian and Orthodox Jews

    Psychiatrist proclaims that liberalism is a psychological disorder. –It looks like I'm a crazy liberal atheist i can hang out with those fat people in Memphis

    The kids reaction to the Bassett Collection on View-Master that you forgot to take out – ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I'm a little disappointed. I was SURE Boston would be more sinful than to show up only on the list for Avarice. I mean, what with all the evilutionists and science-types…but I suppose we don't traffic in DEADLY sins so much as AWESOME ones?

    Similarly, I can't wait for the HPV vaccine for men. As I understand it, most men who carry the virus have no idea they even have it. It can get at you around a condom, cause few or no side effects, and is extremely difficult to test for in the absence of warts. This makes it extremely easy to pass on, and that's bad times for any women who haven't been vaccinated.

    Also, I REALLY hope that psychiatrist has some better reasoning for labeling liberalism as insanity than that which was on display in the article. If not, I'm gonna have to side with the Scientologists (at least in reference to the evil of this one Psychiatrist)

  4. Wow, I am really sinful. My hometown is both the most gluttonous and the most slothful. I say that with pride – not as much as the folks in Salt Lake City, but with some.

    Wait a second…you don't think that sloth and gluttony might be related do you?

  5. WOOHOO! Philadelphia is one of America's Wrath Capitals!

    Come visit beautiful Philadelphia! We had more murders last year!

  6. Though to be fair, the whole "people who disagree with me suffer from a psychological condition" is nowhere close to being an exclusive province of the right.

  7. Exarch: "As for the HPV vaccine, I’d get one. Not sure it would do much, but you can’t be pro-vax and NOT get vaccinated ;)"

    Irony aside, this is, of course, not true. Nobody gets every vaccine under the sun. The details of who should take which vaccine is a complex issue.

    I tend to agree that if you want to control the virus, male vaccinations are key, but the reality is that marketing this to the parents of boys is going to be even more challenging than it is with parents of girls. But they have the message right. This isn't about sex. It's about cancer.

    I particularly loved the quote from the professor about men using the fact that they've been vaccinated as a tool to get laid. 'Cause that's gonna work.

  8. And having mis-read that last link, I was expecting to see pictures of a view master taken apart to show its inner workings, and wondered why people would be so eager to want to see those …

    hahahaha… I'm glad I'm not the only one!

    and Chicago is a city of envy? I'll have to warn my husband to watch out on his way to work, people might be jealous of his Focus hatchback.

  9. Yeah, leap day. I hate the fact that I worked fror free today. And Ii’m more upset that I’d have to have used up a vacation day not to :x

    As for the HPV vaccine, I’d get one. Not sure it would do much, but you can’t be pro-vax and NOT get vaccinated ;)

    And having mis-read that last link, I was expecting to see pictures of a view master taken apart to show its inner workings, and wondered why people would be so eager to want to see those …

  10. I particularly loved the quote from the professor about men using the fact that they’ve been vaccinated as a tool to get laid. ‘Cause that’s gonna work.

    Getting girls to fall in bed with you because you’ve been vaccinated is going to be as easy as getting girls to fall into bed with you because you have a condom.

    guy: Hi. I’m John. I’m horny. Why don’t we go back to my place and get all tight and shiny?

    girl: You have until the count of three before I pepper spray you.

    guy: I’m vaccinated against HPV.

    girl: let me get my coat.

  11. Screw vaccines, I use the true and tested method:

    Hey, does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

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