
Skepchick Quickies, 10.14


Jen is a writer and web designer/developer in Columbus, Ohio. She spends too much time on Twitter at @antiheroine.

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  1. Limbaugh: “Screw you, Ms. Sebelius! I am not going to take it, precisely because you’re now telling me I must.”

    He sounds like a toddler saying, “No Mommy, I won’t eat those vegetables just because you told me I have to! You can’t make me!”

    The more I hear of Limbaugh, the more I am convinced he’s actually a toddler who just looks old.

  2. Is it still nerdy if there are four topless girls in the room?

    Yes, it’s still nerdy, but now it’s also hot to boot …

  3. Just waiting for Beck or Limbaugh (or Bill Maher for that matter) to get the swine flu. I need a good irony fix. I wouldn’t want them to get seriously ill of course but an accompanying case of laryngitis wouldn’t hurt.

  4. I suppose if there’s one advantage of the nutbars on the right joining in the anti-vax camp, it’s that we might just be able to bring the nutbars on the left around to reason. Not for the reasons we’d like, mind you, but…

  5. @exarch: Yes, it’s still nerdy, but now it’s also hot to boot …

    I’m sorry, but I really expect more value from my NSFW dollar. In Jen’s defense, however, she did say “mildly”.

  6. @davew: Sorry, I’ve been burned before by not thinking something “NSFW” label-worthy and then getting someone in trouble. So I now err on the side of caution. :)

  7. @Jen: Sorry, I’ve been burned before by not thinking something “NSFW”

    I was just joshing. Titillation is not why I hang around here, although Amy really does have a way with a camera.

  8. Rush Blowhard:

    “The next time you hear ‘The government says…’ don’t believe it. You’ll be healthier, trust me.”

    That’s right ditto-heads. The next time there is a hurricane, high-rise fire , or chlorine gas leak, and some government agency tells you to evacuate, don’t believe it. You’ll be healthier, trust me.

  9. On the nerdy topless chick thing, um… what the hell is up with the girl first from the right. That is some damn weird Ralph Lauren proportioning going on.

  10. @FFFearlesss: Do you mean the second from the right? The first on the right (with the matrix and some equations I can’t read) looks pretty normal to me. The second from the right has the waist that looks bizarrely thin, even considering her very slight build.

  11. I just can’t bring myself to do much with the Beck and Limbaugh thing. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. There’s just too much there that’s too easy.


    I suppose if there’s one advantage of the nutbars on the right joining in the anti-vax camp, it’s that we might just be able to bring the nutbars on the left around to reason.

    What I’ve noticed about the really far-out-there conspiracy people is that it’s very difficult to tell if they have just gone way too far left or way too far right. It’s as though its a circle, and going too far either direction lands you in the same place. The anti-vax stuff is bringing this out.

    I’ve recently discovered Alex Jones (probably well known to many of you). He seems to have gone loopy in a rightward direction (I could be wrong about that), but there he is with anti-vax, anti-GMO, anti-scientific medicine… all the standard stuff from the loopy left. At the same time, he’s supporting solar power and self-sustainability. It’s probably just another example of where the right/left distinction fails to capture what is really important.

    I am a Hedge

  12. @Im a Hedge:

    What I’ve noticed about the really far-out-there conspiracy people is that it’s very difficult to tell if they have just gone way too far left or way too far right.

    I’ve heard it described as a horseshoe, where the crazy ends come close to each other but don’t touch. I think this is the most accurate description, even though I tend to believe that there is a slightly less crazy on the left as there is on the right.

  13. Regarding the topless girls, I’m honestly not sure whether I want to pull out my calculator or my dick.

    Also, that’s physics, not maths.

  14. Heh, that topless math photo has been my desktop background for about a year. Still not bored of it. And I am a male maths geek with a camera, but for the sake of female skeptics everywhere I think I’ll be keeping my shirt on.

  15. @catgirl like @cubiksrube just stated, I too have all the requsite requirements for providing you with topless male math images. But I’m saving you from yourself and drawing more women into skepticism by not doing so.

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