
Comment o’ the Week: The Too Easy Edition

COTW is early (on time, really) today because it was just so easy. I mean, you’re a very clever bunch of commenters who make me laugh and think quite a bit, but I knew who was going to win as soon as I read NoAstronomer’s response to Chelsea’s excellent post, Soylent Vaccine is Babies. Chelsea wrote about vaccine fear-mongerers who suggest that “having someone else’s DNA implanted in your body causes you to mutate.” NoAstronomer replied thusly:

NoAstronomerNo Gravatar // Aug 20, 2009 at 4:26 pm

All I can say is that implanting my DNA in my wife’s body caused her to mutate. And develop internal growths which, nine months later, ruptured and had to removed surgically.

Funnily enough the hospital let us take the excised growths home. So we’ve been cultivating mutated human cells for over 15 years. Without a license!


Pure gold. Congrats, NoAstronomer/Mike! Your prize is to choose next Wednesday’s Afternoon Inquisition, which you can do by sending us your question via the Skepchick Contact Form.

Remember, you (yes, you) can nominate next week’s winner by clicking the little grey arrow by the comment you like (which will put “@[username]” in your comment box) and writing “COTW!”

Also, if you want a pretty avatar, just go to and sign up with the same email address you use here. Upload a picture and after a little propagation time, it will magically appear here on Skepchick.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Rebecca Watson

Rebecca is a writer, speaker, YouTube personality, and unrepentant science nerd. In addition to founding and continuing to run Skepchick, she hosts Quiz-o-Tron, a monthly science-themed quiz show and podcast that pits comedians against nerds. There is an asteroid named in her honor. Twitter @rebeccawatson Mastodon Instagram @actuallyrebeccawatson TikTok @actuallyrebeccawatson YouTube @rebeccawatson BlueSky

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  1. @Kaylia_Marie: That reminds me, I had meant to give a shoutout to the person I thought had the best new avatar but now I can’t recall who it was. It’s a spider-girl and it’s rad.

    Not that yours isn’t lovely!

  2. Good job, NoAstronomer, but I was waiting to hear if the little mutant burst out of her chest in a spray of gore or something equally dramatic. ;-)

  3. Thank you. Thank you. I also want to thank my little mutants and their host for their inspiration.

    I really just wanted to point that DNA *is* dangerous stuff and you do have to careful where you leave it. Otherwise you wind up with nasty side-effects like boils, MRSA, and parent-teacher conferences.


    Yes, lots of blood and gore, but the surgeons insisted on cutting the growth out so I didn’t get the full on explosive eruption I hoped for. I do say though, you’ve not truly lived until you seen your wife’s uterus lying on her belly.

  4. @Kaylia_Marie

    Sadly my wife was unable to view her own uterus because the OR team put up a curtain over her chest – to prevent splash back I presume.

  5. @NoAstronomer: “…DNA *is* dangerous stuff and you do have to careful where you leave it. Otherwise you wind up with nasty side-effects like boils, MRSA, and parent-teacher conferences.”

    Ha-ha-ha-ha…Snort…milk shoots out of my nose

    Can you nominate the same person for a COTW for a comment about their comment? I think I just confused myself. Never mind.

  6. @Garrison22: “Can you nominate the same person for a COTW for a comment about their comment? I think I just confused myself. Never mind.”

    Ha ha, I thought the same thing when I read that!

    The true answer is: you can nominate the same person, but it would take an act of superhuman hilarity to get me to give the same person the prize twice in a row.

  7. @Rebecca

    I think I’ve taken this thread about as far as I can. So you’ll have to find someone else for next week. Besides I’m already stressing out about coming up with a decent AI question, let alone two.

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