
Skepchick Quickies 8.5

  • Do they really think the earth is flat? – BBC article on the puzzling fact that flat-earthers still exist.  From my pal, H, whose brain nearly exploded reading this story.
  • Acupuncture for veterans– Story out of my local paper on a free acupuncture for veterans.  They’re claiming it helps PTSD.
  • Knights Templar sue Pope–  “They claim that when the order was dissolved by his predecessor Pope Clement V in 1307, more than 9,000 properties as well as countless pastures, mills and other commercial ventures belonging to the knights were appropriated by the church.” Thanks Chris.
  • Jesus is everywhere! – A collection of Jesus sightings sent in by Steve, whose interpretations of the pictures follows below the cut.

 1 – Rene Auberjonois
2 – Jimi Hendrix
3 – Natalie Portman
4 – Emo Phillips
5 – Um, just a Cheeto
6 – Quetzalcoatl
7 – Kier Dullea
8 – Olive Oyle
9 – The Highlander


Amanda works in healthcare, is a loudmouthed feminist, and proud supporter of the Oxford comma.

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  1. A depressingly large portion of the population still believes in Young Earth Creationism despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary: the existence of sincere Flat Earthers shouldn’t be surprising at all.

  2. I used to think that the Flat Earth Society was either a quaint group of naturalists, longing for simpler times, or just a tongue-in-cheek kind of thing. Kinda like the Flying Spaghetti Monster is to us. But more recent information suggests that a good number of them take it a bit more seriously than that.

    At least they’re not petitioning schools to teach it in the science classroom.

  3. #3 is clearly an alien.

    And #5… kinda the same pose as one of my wife’s Goddess statues, with the arms broken off.

    It fell off the fridge. I tried to glue it, but it fell again.

  4. When I last checked out the Flat Earth Society, I was convinced the whole thing was tongue-in-cheek because of claims like the Springfield Effect and the non-existence of Idaho and Australia. Below are some silly questions from their old FAQ (that link goes to, because appears to have gone bye-bye). There’s no way someone with questions like these in their FAQ could be serious. Then again, I don’t really know if these latest flat-earth folks are the same people or not. But they’re using the name Flat Earth Society, which would imply that they are.

    5) Does the “middle corner” prove that 5=6?

    11) Does this fit in with the Hollow Earth theory?
    Yes. Beneath the Earth, or hanging off the edges, is a land populated by either green-skinned women or Nazis. All those claiming to have seen this have misinterpreted it to fit in with the spurious and false Spherical Earth theory.

    13) What about gravity?
    Gravity is a lie invented by the purveyors of the inherently false spherical Earth theory. The theory of gravity has never been proven. There is no gravity, only inertia. The Earth moves through space like a giant elevator. We do not fall off because we are kept down by inertia. The Earth has inertia.

    There is a school of thought which states, however, that the Earth does not move through space, but rather that it rests on the back of a giant turtle, and that what we call gravity is, in fact, the turtle’s animal magnetism.

    19) What is the “Springfield Effect”?
    The Springfield Effect is the name given to the phenomenon by which every place named Springfield is hard-linked in hyperspace to every other place of this name. In other words, there is only one place named Springfield, but it is “linked” to various locations in the world.

    20) Does Idaho exist
    No. The existence of Idaho is a lie, fabricated by a conspiracy of cartographers, as is England (see question 10).

    21) What about North Dakota?
    That doesn’t exist either.

    22) Any other places which are believed to exist but really don’t?
    Yes, Australia. And then there are the cryptogeographica, places such as Kadath, Carcosa, Hobbiton, Narnia, Hy-Brasil, Hell and such whose existence has not been satisfactorily proven.

  5. I’m not surprise about the people that believe in a flat earth. I had an Anthropology class where the professor assigned us to find a website about these people, and then tell us three facts that we didn’t know before about them.

    He then also went on to ask us why we couldn’t believe these people. I don’t think he was to get us to become one….he was trying to get us to be more open minded. He did this with several other things in the class – prophecy through poisoning chickens, living like a Quaker, etc. I was very glad that he made us -think- about what made these people. I really appreciate these other ways of thinking…..

    ….even if I think they are utter bullcrap.

    P.S. I don’t think Quakers are bullcrap, just for the record.

  6. “Many use the term ‘flat-earther’ as a term of abuse, and with connotations that imply blind faith, ignorance or even anti-intellectualism.”

    . . . … *twitching*

  7. I had no idea I am currently living in a place that doesn’t exist! You really do learn something new everyday :-P

  8. Oh, and on the Jesus sightings thing, #2 is clearly Jimi Hendrix. Clearly.

    That list is hilarious. Any time I can see Emo Phillips and The Highlander on the same list, my day is made.

  9. I wouldn’t be surprised if this flat-earth nonsense is being secretly funded by Australia as a means to substantially increase it’s surface area.

    Also, if McIntyre is right then no doubt there is a chalkboard somewhere in NASA’s super-secret evil headquarters with this written on it:

    Step 1: Conspire to fool the world into thinking the earth is round.
    Step 2: ???
    Step 3: Profit!

  10. The flat earth thing must be a joke. Anyone that divorced from reality would be living on the street wearing aluminum foil to keep the rays off. They are just having a laugh.

  11. I saw a thing about someone making an imitation Shroud of Turin by laying a sheet of glass on a linnen sheet in his backyard in the sun.
    The glass has a jesus on it and the sun takes care of the rest. I’ve been kicking around the idea of doing the same and selling them on e-bay. I think I could make a few bucks.

  12. @ Rebecca Well, Sam’s best known speech from that movie IS a bit of bible verse…and within that speech he DOES say “You will know that I am the LORD…”

    I’m sensing a new religion here. WWSLJD?

  13. Samuel L. Jackson recently played the part of God in an all African-American audiobook version of the Bible. Coincidence? I think not.

  14. Jimi Hendrix or Sam Jackson, I could go either way. I’m a hell of a lot more inclined to worship either of them than Jesus. Jackson has a much cooler relationship with snakes, and Christ probably sucked on the guitar.

  15. #1 is Pete Townsend.
    #3 looks more like Anne Frank.
    #4 just makes me hungry.
    I can’t decide if the last one is holding a chainsaw, or a gas pump. Probably a gas pump since some churches have been praying for lower gas prices.

  16. I have a Jesus with a really big nose, and am starting a flat buns society, if anyone is interested.

  17. the flat earth society is definitely tongue-in-cheek. it’s a semi-performance art thing that one of my profs was involved with. she did meetings and lectures, and you could join the society – complete with an initiation ceremony that culminates in the squashing of a beach ball with a globe printed on it.

  18. The flat earth socieites aren’t tongue in cheek parodies. Their beliefs are based on Bible verses (“the four corners of the Earth”, David at the top of a tree so high and Jesus on a mountain top so high they could see the entire world, etc).

  19. Oh yeah, the flat earthers did some of the pioneering work in quote-mining. They would scour lighthouse lists and look for discrepancies.

    These lists would give the height of the light and the resulting range that the light can be seen due to the curvature of the Earth. If they found a discrepancy, they would offer it as proof that the world was flat! In a big book, published in the 1800’s, with thousands of lighthouses listed, they would find one typo and offer it as proof the world is flat. Sound familiar?

  20. H’okai, so,

    I noticed something a little…off, in the article about the Templars.

    There is an image of Jacques de Molay being led to burn at the stake. And below the image, after the caption, it says, “Photo: GETTY”

    Photo??? I must seriously be behind in my history of photography!

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