
Hi, I’m Courtney!

Well, hey everyone! I guess this is an intro post? I think this is that awkward time where I’m supposed to tell you more about myself, what I enjoy, and how I like long walks on the beach. So let’s get down to it!

I’m an intersectional vegan feminist, and I somehow manage to be all of those things while living in Texas. You might have read some of my posts from Mad Art Lab, or seen one of my obscenity-laced rants on Twitter. I also write at Be Vegan Anywhere, a site I recently co-founded with fellow Skepchick Amy Davis Roth. I love craft beer, Game of Thrones, and my adorable dog Cudi (pictured here).

“I’m really, really, ridiculously good looking.”

So what kinds of things am I going to write about here on Skepchick? As someone who grew up as far from progressive as possible, many of my posts will discuss how growing up conservative influenced my progressive leanings. My veganism, humanism, and feminism are, oddly enough, a direct byproduct of my fundamentalist upbringing. As a fan of pop culture, I like to find ways to relate my progressive leanings to the media I consume. And lastly, I’m an advocate for sensible gun control laws, an issue being hotly debated here in Texas.

As part of Skepchick, I hope to bring some new ideas to the table, but I also plan to continue learning from this badass group of contributors. Many of the writers on this site helped shape my views on a variety of topics, and getting to contribute alongside them is a incredibly exciting (Real Life Depiction of How Excited I Am). I have so many ideas swimming around in my head for posts, but you can check out my Twitter until I get around to posting.  I’m also stoked to get to know more of the Skepchick commentariat, so drop me a line in the comments!

Featured Image by Amy Davis Roth.

Courtney Caldwell

Courtney Caldwell is an intersectional feminist. Her talents include sweary rants, and clogging your social media with pictures of her dogs (and occasionally her begrudging cat). She's also a political nerd, whose far-left tendencies are a little out of place in the deep red Texas.

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