
Afternoon Inquisition 12.15

Today it’s your turn to ask the question.  I can’t guarantee you’ll get an answer, but ask away anyway!

If you could ask any Skepchick any question, what would it be?


Elyse MoFo Anders is the bad ass behind forming the Women Thinking, inc and the superhero who launched the Hug Me! I'm Vaccinated campaign as well as podcaster emeritus, writer, slacktivist extraordinaire, cancer survivor and sometimes runs marathons for charity. You probably think she's awesome so you follow her on twitter.

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  1. Ha, that was a joke. Really, here is one, I need some help. How do ghost orbs show up on digital photography? I need to explain it to my wife.

  2. This question is for Rebbeca; Will you marry me?

    [Oh come on, you all knew that was coming. You’re all just jealous that I got in first. ;) ]

  3. What do skepchicks scream during orgasm? “On the other hand!” just doesn’t seem like it would trip off the tounge.

  4. I asked this via Twitter and got a lovely response from carr2d2 a lil while ago, but…

    Where were you ladies in high school when I was a lonely nerd girl?!

  5. @Elyse: Fair call :) I’ll retroactivly accept the penalty.

    On a more serious note though; It’s a common question but I’m not sure if it’s been asked here. Of all the quackery that’s out there if you could pick one that turned out to be true, what would it be and why?

  6. Which two natural numbers, when cubed, add up to a cube of another natural number? (Besides zero.)

    First one to answer this question gets 1 brownie point.

  7. Any advice to a wanna be Skepchick?
    Any advice to a wanna be kick ass blogger?

    How do y’all find the time to keep up this blog, have social lives, and work?

  8. Where do I start?

    “isn’t it your turn to walk the dogs?”

    “you drank how much?”

    “that’s a kinky idea – do you think teek would like to join in?”

    All of the above are normally followed by “are you going to stop hitting me soon?”

    (the questions change when you marry one of them ;) )

  9. About the value of patience and good nature in the face of nonsense and egotism. I can’t do it. How do you all do it? DO you all do it?

  10. @Steve DeGroof:

    I think the oddest link/question was after I posted about breastfeeding in public, Rebecca got an email from Hooter Hiders asking if they could link to us and put her on the mailing list.

    Now Rebecca gets updates on all the latest in breastfeeding gear.

    Of course, that’s just my favorite :)