
Elyse MoFo Anders is the bad ass behind forming the Women Thinking, inc and the superhero who launched the Hug Me! I'm Vaccinated campaign as well as podcaster emeritus, writer, slacktivist extraordinaire, cancer survivor and sometimes runs marathons for charity. You probably think she's awesome so you follow her on twitter.
  • Skepticism

    AI: War just makes me so uncomfortable

    In today’s Quickies, Amanda posted a BBC article about Japan forcing women to serve “comfort” roles for Japanese soldiers during WWII. It’s sick. And the Mayor of Osaka, Toru Hashimoto, is unapologetic about it, describing “comfort women” as a necessary need for soldiers. At first I was shocked and horrified. How can you promote and justify sending women on a tour…

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  • Activism

    AI: Ending Rape

    My friend Louise recently came across a Twitter page (and website hawking a book) dedicated to ENDING RAPE! Actually ending it. Declaring itself the best resource anywhere in the world. And how does ENDING RAPE suggest we end rape? BY NEVER COMING INTO CONTACT WITH MEN. Ever. Anywhere. Unless we already know them. BUT DON’T GET TO KNOW THEM BECAUSE…

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  • Activism

    Balls for Cancer

    So I have this totally terrible idea that involves ping pong balls and a bunch of kids with cancer and I’m going to need you to give me $30. I promise it’s going to be… well, mostly just stupid and ridiculous. But still probably worth it. You see, one night, around 9 months ago, I was sitting in my house,…

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  • Guest Bloggers

    Guest Post: Blog Against “Disablism” Day by Sarah Moglia

    Our second guest blog today is from my friend and personal hero, Sarah Moglia, talking about invisible disability and how not to be a huge jerk friend to your newly disabled friends. ——— Disability. It’s one of those big, scary words that you think you know the meaning to. It’s one of those things that happens to other people, but…

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  • Skepticism

    AI: You eat that? DIE IN A FIRE!

    What is it about food that turns people into horrible assholes? Like, you’re hanging out, drinking beers, playing Jenga and one person in your group is like “Hey! I’m hungry! Who wants to get some food?” And then the discussion begins about where everyone wants to go. And then one person pipes up, “I don’t care I just want to…

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  • Skepticism

    AI: Abort? Retry? Love forever?

    Today, Secular Woman is launching a new project called Abort Theocracy, focusing “on the intersection of religious power over women’s bodily autonomy and sovereignty, dedicated to terminating that connection by opposing religious influence in government.” My friend Hemant, the Friendly Athiest, has two major criticisms of the project. Mostly the “abort” and the “theocracy” parts of it. Fortunately for Hemant,…

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  • Skepticism

    AI: Boston

    Boston. It hurts. A lot. I’m still trying to wrap my head around yesterday’s bombing. I am a runner. I run for lots of reasons, but the one thing that keeps me honest about my running is racing. If I don’t train, I can’t race. I’m not fast. I don’t actually race anyone else besides me. But there’s something about…

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  • Activism

    AI: U MAD?

    Today I am tired. Not like not-enough-sleep tired. Like tired of the world tired. Exhausted from the world. I’m tired of the world being full of stupid assholes who refuse to get it. I’m tired. And I’m angry. And I’m tired of being told that I’m too angry. And I’m angry because I’m tired and I’m angry that I can’t…

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