
In Case You Missed It: December 25-December 31 on the Skepchick Network

Hello, and welcome to 2012! Do you feel all warm a fuzzy? No? You will after you read these highlights from the Skepchick Network.

Teen Skepchick

Modern Mythology: So Stuffed You’re Sleepy
Lauren takes on the myth that turkey makes you sleepy.

Speak Your Mind: Everything Old is New Again
What are you’re plans for 2012?

The Cure for Skeptical Depression
Melanie shares her favorite funnies to get through the holiday season.

Mad Art Lab

Amuse-Bouche: Are Tomatoes Really Fruits? + Eggs in Tomato Sauce
Anne explains how cooks and botanists classify tomatoes.

2011: The Year in Pareidolia
Steve D provides alternate interpretations for the year’s best pareidolia.

The Tale of Mona Lisa and the Hidden Animals
Brian G tears apart the latest assertion related to this work of art.

Skepchick SE

No One Can Live by Skepticism Alone (på svenska)
Techinicolor argues for people-centered skepticism.

Skeptic Predictions (på svenska)
Charmkvark examines the accuracy of her 2011 predictions and invites you to make your own for 2012.


The Year in Skepticism (en español)
A brief description of top 5 events in skepticism in 2011.

And It’ll Stay the Same (en español)
Daurmith talks about science news in the media.

Skeptical New Year’s Resolutions (en español)
Silvia is suggesting we add a few skeptical resolutions to our lists.

Featured image credit: Ruthieki


Mindy is an attorney and Managing Editor of Teen Skepchick. She hates the law and loves stars. You can follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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One Comment

  1. A few comments on the video, Homeopathy and the FDA.

    Thanks for broaching the topic btw, has been one of my nagging issues since 1994, when the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) was signed into law. The FDA has authorization to regulate (and approve) the marketing of foods, drugs (for people and animals), tobacco and cosmetics. However, ever since the 1994 DSHEA, the government has withdrawn FDA’s responsibility for approval and oversight of dietary supplements, including homeopathy, nutritionals, herbals, vitamins, etc. This was done for purely political and commercial reasons. FDA certainly did not want this to happen. FDA’s mandate is to protect consumers from unsafe products. But, as you know, deregulation of these products has caused increasingly harmful marketing of substances that are not ever tested, have wildly different specifications from lot to lot, have unknown ingredients and contaminants, and, often, are sold with labeling that contains specific claims of benefit that have no scientific basis. At best, many of these substances act as placebos, at worst, they are toxic. Firms that make these products do not need to test for or seek approval from FDA based on a careful review for safety and effectiveness, as is done with bio-pharmaceuticals. Only since 2007 have these manufacturers been required to produce their products under Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)! The manufacturer is completely responsible for the safety of their products. The only time FDA intervenes is if there is a major public outcry (as when ephedra deaths happened a few years ago). Or VERY rarely when outrageous claims of benefit on labeling are brought to FDA attention.

    There is simply no political or budget support for protecting consumers from unsafe dietary supplements. It is a high multi-billion dollar/year business. I tell my loved ones not to buy these scam products all the time. But, blame your congressmen and big business, not FDA.


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