
Hug Me! At TAM!

UPDATE: Women Thinking, inc and the Hug Me! I’m Vaccinated campaign will be holding another vaccine clinic at TAM 2012! We will be giving out more hugs and selling our brand new Hug Me sloth tees! Stop by the clinic to get your Tdap and stop by our table to purchase a tee! Looking forward to all the hugs!

 If you’re not able to make it to the clinic, but want to support our cause, you can donate here


TAM is full of hugs. And kisses. And skeptical scowls.

But I’m only focusing on the hugs… because that’s my thing. Wherever the hugs lead you, be it puckerful or otherwise, is up to you and the person you’re hugging. And there’s going to be lots of hugging. LOTS.

Because The Women Thinking Free Foundation is hosting a Hug Me! I’m Vaccinated clinic! One day only at TAM 9, we will be offering Tdap vaccines for anyone and everyone who wants them. And we’re giving them away for free.

And if you get a vaccine, you get a hug! How awesome is that? Free immunity from whooping cough, tetanus and diptheria plus free hugs and the honest to goodness smug superiority over Jenny McCarthy that only comes with building herd immunity.

Get a vaccine, save the world, get a hug. It’s a pretty sweet package.

Last year, at Dragon*Con, we hosted a similar clinic. That effort proved to be an unbelievable success, over doubling the local health board’s most optimistic estimate, and left them concerned they may run out of vaccines! So I’m asking you to help us impress Nevada the same way. All you have to do is show up and put your arm out. The nurses and your immune system do the rest.

If you are already vaccinated, or you can’t get to TAM, or you want to do more than just vaccinate, you can always support the Hug Me! I’m Vaccinated campaign by donating to the Women Thinking Free… your donations go toward helping us promote and host these clinics.

And from now through TAM, if you donate $75 or more, you will get your choice of a free Hug Me T-shirt (adult, children, or infant size) or a Hug Me teddy bear!



Elyse MoFo Anders is the bad ass behind forming the Women Thinking, inc and the superhero who launched the Hug Me! I'm Vaccinated campaign as well as podcaster emeritus, writer, slacktivist extraordinaire, cancer survivor and sometimes runs marathons for charity. You probably think she's awesome so you follow her on twitter.

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  1. This is a great idea! I’ve been planning to get Tdap at my next annual physical but now I can stop waiting and protect babies sooner!

  2. You know, even after having HAD Whooping Cough, my doctors STILL don’t talk about the need for adult booster shots for the rest of my immunizations. I think the medical community needs to realize that until the anti-vaxxers knock it off, we can’t rely on herd immunity anymore.

  3. You are a good person. Even if you said horrible things about Star Wars (6 Academy Awards) the other night on facebook. You keep it up, keep saving babies.

  4. I got my Tdap a couple of years ago, but managed to wheedle half a hug from Maria at NECSS because I’m in the middle of my Hep A & B shots. I get the 2nd HepA and 3rd HepB next Wednesday, just before heading to the Grand Canyon, en route to TAM. So I’ll be fully vaxed by the time I get there. Will buy t-shirt. Does it come with a hug?

  5. Can’t come to TAM but I am due for a bunch of boosters soon. Not good cos I am not fond of jabs but awesome because I am fascinated with medicine (it is my major) and proud to keep my herd safe. I love my herd (even if some of them won’t return the favor).

  6. I rarely get vaccinated mostly b/c I’m lazy (and I don’t really come into contact with that many people, and virtually no children). Bad, I know. I’ll get poked at TAM9, I promise.

  7. I got stuck at DragonCon last year but got stiffed on the hug. Someone owes me 1.1999 hugs. And I’m not talking DataJack either.

    Nice work getting it going for TAM!

  8. I got my TdaP a couple of years ago when I noticed that there was something going around my company that people were calling “the hundred-day cough.” Seemed possible that we were harboring pertussis, as the surrounding county had a fairly high pertussis rate, and a cough that hangs on for months is a typical adult presentation.

    This year the company started offering TdaP free to employees.

  9. Hugs may violate some people’s senses of personal space, and could offend some people who don’t like to be touched. You don’t know how uncomfortable someone might be made by trying to hug them.

          1. Just realized this post is a year old. Weird how people post links on Twitter that are from last year when trying to start drama…..

  10. Since this post from last year got a bump I’ll chime in that I did get vaccinated and did hug Elyse. Last year.

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