Richard Dawkins
Trump & Dawkins Confused Why White Supremacists Might Like Them
The retweet (or “RT” in shorthand) is a funny thing. It can serve many purposes, some of which are contradictory: signal boosting, positive endorsement, an effort to draw negative attention to someone’s opinions, or simple agreement. The practice of retweeting can be so fraught with confusion, that some individuals choose to include a “RT =! Endorsement” disclaimer right in their Twitter bio. But…
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Doing it for the Clicks, Ms Blumner
It was brought to my attention that the tired excuse for when one doesn’t like something that was said on the internet was trotted out by the new CEO of Center For Inquiry, Robyn Blumner. It seems defending the old-school status quo is far more important than bothering with facts. Via source and source: “Robyn Blumner, in her interview with…
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Richard Dawkins Sounds Like a Paranoid Child Hating Conspiracy Theorist
No, really. Don’t accept my opinion on it, just go look at his twitter feed and be sure to note the glorious RT’s he is making. What got him riled up this time you ask? He saw in the news that a teen-aged ISIS member horrifically executed someone. So he linked to a photo of that execution and instead of…
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There’s Plenty of Oppression to Go Around, Richard Dawkins.
Richard Dawkins opened his foot-shaped mouth again this weekend, suggesting that advocates for trigger warnings treat victims of rape and assault like children who need their teddy bears: A university is not a "safe space". If you need a safe space, leave, go home, hug your teddy & suck your thumb until ready for university. — Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) October…
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Muslim Science-Loving Kid Comes Out On Top, Infuriates White Atheists
The brave and brilliant youngster Ahmed Mohamed has been showered with support since his ludicrous and racist arrest this week, receiving invitations to MIT, Harvard, NASA, Facebook, Twittter, and the White House, to name a few. (It’s important to note that the police who arrested him and the school who saw fit to punish him for a science project have…
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The Silencing of Richard Dawkins
EDIT: The original introduction to this post contrasted Dawkins’s feelings of being “silenced” with the Transgender Day of Remembrance, which occurred at the same time that I wrote the piece. It has been brought to my attention that the trans community has been frequently used by various atheist factions to make points that come at their expense or have nothing…
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Five More Things Richard Dawkins Thinks You Should Be Held Criminally Responsible For When Drunk
Last night, Mark Oppenheimer posted an article on Buzzfeed about misogyny in the atheist/skeptic movements, and specifically about how men like Michael Shermer have ruined the movement for women. The article does a great job of laying bare one of organized skepticism’s biggest secrets: how Michael Shermer allegedly used alcohol to inebriate and then rape Alison Smith at TAM 2008. Like clockwork,…
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On Richard Dawkins Being a Liability to Atheism
Journalist, Kimberly Winston, who often writes about atheism at the Religious News Service has an article out today about Richard Dawkins and his recent “comparison of rape” comments as well as his sorta-not-kinda-maybe apology-comment or statement about civility. The article is called, “Richard Dawkins: Atheism’s asset or liability?” and it is making the rounds in the news. I was quoted…
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