Ahmed Mohammed
Trump & Dawkins Confused Why White Supremacists Might Like Them
The retweet (or “RT” in shorthand) is a funny thing. It can serve many purposes, some of which are contradictory: signal boosting, positive endorsement, an effort to draw negative attention to someone’s opinions, or simple agreement. The practice of retweeting can be so fraught with confusion, that some individuals choose to include a “RT =! Endorsement” disclaimer right in their Twitter bio. But…
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Muslim Science-Loving Kid Comes Out On Top, Infuriates White Atheists
The brave and brilliant youngster Ahmed Mohamed has been showered with support since his ludicrous and racist arrest this week, receiving invitations to MIT, Harvard, NASA, Facebook, Twittter, and the White House, to name a few. (It’s important to note that the police who arrested him and the school who saw fit to punish him for a science project have…
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