AI: Topics in Skepticism
We skeptics all have our individual areas of interest, and expertise. Then there are those topics that don’t seem to move us… Our interests and concerns are driven by various personal or professional factors in our lives, e.g., parents of young children might be specifically concerned about the anti-vaccination movement, while medical doctors might be concerned about dodgy alternative medicine…
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AI: The Catalyst
The latest episode of Point of Inquiry is with Steve Spangler. Who’s he? He’s a science educator, an inventor of science toys, and yes, he’s “The Mentos Guy”. He used to have science segments on the Ellen DeGeneres show, but he’s most famous for his viral video of the Diet Coke and Mentos geyser experiment. He’s determined to increase science…
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AI: Hidden Cults
Skepchick Sam (I just love saying that!) and I both attended the Singularity Summit held in San Francisco a few weeks ago. This is an Artificial Intelligence conference with a difference; some proponents of “The Singularity” believe that computer intelligence will surpass human intelligence with a decade – plus a whole lot more… Sam wrote about the topic for Skepchick…
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AI: Disgust
Last week the team from Monster Talk interviewed parasitologist Barry O’Connor for an upcoming episode of our podcast. We wanted to speak with him about chupacabra claims involving animals suffering from mange. Our delightful conversation treated mange, mites, lice, scabies and other itchy subjects…and itch I did, throughout the interview. Psychosomatically. Barry retold the story of the time he and…
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AI: Magic
I just interviewed the dashing magician Andrew Mayne for Point of Inquiry. Far from doves and magic wands, he specialises in “shock magic” and devises all kinds of multimedia magic. He’s also been a passionate activist in the skeptical community, and the inspiration for Daniel Loxton’s What Do I Do Next? article about activism. I’ve also interviewed the super cool…
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AI: Skeptical Organizations
I recently wrote a report about TAM 8 for the Naked Skeptic column. The Amaz!ing Meeting did a grand job of unifying the major US skeptical organizations, the James Randi Educational Foundation, the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, and the Skeptics Society. These might be the major organizations, but they’re certainly not the only ones around. There are magazines, foums and…
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Splitting (pubic) Hairs (NSFW!)
Here goes my career… She gasped as his fingers explored the glistening anterior commisure of her labia majora. She began moaning softly as he flicked his tongue expertly over the mass of erectile tissue, ligaments and glands that comprise her clitoris. He quickly brought her to a state where her uterus, vagina, anus and pelvic muscles underwent pleasurable rhythmic contractions.…
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AI: Dreams
“Dreams are real as long as they last. Can we say more of life?” Henry Ellis I don’t place any stock in dream interpretation, that is, not the interpretations offered in the thick tomes found in the New Age section of my bookstore. Last night I had a dream involving my teeth falling out, Michael Shermer, and a fear of…
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