
Quickies: 2019 only gets more depressing and even weirder…

... but, cute animals?

Happy Friday, everyone! Or is it? It’s been a bit hard lately to think positively in this country when we’re caging immigrant families and recreating fascist symbolism in the capital. Let’s take a closer look at the first week of July in the bizzarest timeline.

If you’re in the US, please, call your reps about the humanitarian crisis at the border. I was at an event recently where a Democratic US House Rep reminded supporters that your reps need to hear from you regardless of their party affiliation. They do tally those calls, even when you agree with their stance, and it helps them to know how many of us out here are disgusted.

Anyway, it’s cute animal Friday…

Have a suggestion for the Quickies or a cute animal to share? Contact us!


Nicole is a professor, astronomer, educator, geek, dog mom, occasional fitness nerd, and maker of tiny comets. She is also very loud under the right circumstances. Like what you read? Buy me a coffee: https://ko-fi.com/noisyastronomer

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